Monday, July 13, 2020

Brawling Woldwrath & Kraken

Had a 75 point game of Warmachine.

My list:

Master Necrotech Mortenebra [+24]
- Desecrator [14]
- Kraken [35]
- Malice [15]
Bloat Thrall [4]
Machine Wraith [2]
Misery Cage [2]
Necrotech [2]
Scrap Thrall (3) [2]
Soul Trapper [1]
Soul Trapper [1]
Bane Warriors (max) [16]
- Bane Warrior Officer & Standard [5]

Opposing list:

Baldur the Stonecleaver [+31]
- Gnarlhorn Satyr [12]
- Pureblood Warpwolf [17]
- Woldwrath [37]
Gallows Grove [2]
Gatorman Posse (max) [16]
Shifting Stones [3]
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max) [15]
- Warpborn Skinwalker Alpha [4]

Scenario was Annihilation from main rulebook. The starting roll suggested a tough game - we rolled the same number four times in a row.

Opponent deployed his warbeasts in the far corner of the board - as far away from Bane Warriors as possible. Wise choice.

To open up the game somehow, Kraken shot down a tree with its big cannon and triggered Overrun, which enabled Malice to drag in Pureblood Warpwolf. The beast didn't die to Malice just yet - Desecrator had to take a lucky hit at it to score the kill.

But then Woldwrath beats Malice into scraps, and Baldur uses his feat.

I do everything in my power to destroy the gargantuan - even used Mortenebra's feat for it. Which, hilariously enough, didn't improve even a single roll, but made a couple of them worse. A feat well placed. Dark Shroud and Stone Skin canceled out each other. Desecrator's shot, Bloat Thrall and Kraken were pretty much the only models I did get into the fight.

In the end, I'd estimate the Woldwrath lost only about 75% of its health. This did not bode well for the well-being of Kraken.

Which - much to my surprise - opponent did not demolish. It was left standing with about five hit boxes. Unfortunately, I had had to use Bane Warriors as a meat-shield against the medium based infantry. They did pick some of them out here and there, but the cloud effect in the middle of the board blocked LoS annoyingly.

Kraken made short work out of Woldwrath, and I regret not casting Overrun on it - I could've charged Gnarlhorn Satyr with Desecrator if I did. But now as it happened, Gnarlhorn with Stone Skin dismantled Kraken.

Desecrator charged Gnarlhorn that had already been injured prior to engagement. I considered it plausible to kill the goat and overrun to kill at least one Skinwalker, but no. Not with those dice. Desecrator did score critical shred, sure, but when damage rolls were among double ones and twos. Circle would have had far tougher time in getting the warjack down, and maybe I would've had a few Bane Warriors more.

We did not play the Circle 6th turn, as it was apparent that I already had less points scored.

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