Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Lord Exhumator vs Bane Witch

A couple of days ago I played these two 50 point games of Warmachine.

My lists were:

Game 1:
Lord Exhumator Scaverous [+27]
- Defiler [8]
- Malice [15]
- Ripjaw [7]
- Satyxis Blood Priestess [4]
Bane Lord Tartarus [6]
Necrotech [2]
Soul Trapper [1]
Soulhunters (max) [18]
Swamp Gobber River Raiders [1e
Wraith Engine [15]

Game 2:
Lord Exhumator Scaverous [+27]
- Defiler [8]
- Malice [15]
- Ripjaw [7]
- Satyxis Blood Priestess [4]
Bane Lord Tartarus [6]
Iron Lich Overseer [5]
- Desecrator [14]
Ogrun Bokur [5]
Soul Trapper [1]
2x Swamp Gobber River Raiders [1ea]
Bane Warriors (min) [10]

Opponent had (in both games):

Bane Witch Agathia [+29]
- 2x Deathripper [6]
- Desecrator [14]
- 2x Slayer [10]
Bane Lord Tartarus [6]
2x Pistol Wraith [5]
Bane Warriors (max) [16]

Both games also had the Mosh Pit scenario from main rulebook.

Game 1:

First game was over rather fast. Soulhunters removed a bunch of enemy Bane Warriors, but mostly got slaughtered themselves in the process. I was afraid to commit Wraith Engine to actual combat (because two Slayers would shred it to pieces) so I thought best target for Wraith Engine would be Agathia herself. No need to worry about Slayers if their warcaster dies.

Scaverous got to do his thing when he used feat, cast Telekinesis on Wraith Engine and on Agathia, then Icy Grip and Feast of Worms on Agathia. The other Cryxian warcaster had used her feat turn prior, so getting the arc node into position was perhaps the biggest challenge. That succeeded and Wraith Engine charged Agathia dead.

Since game was over so quickly, we decided to play another round.

Game 2:

This one took a bit longer to resolve.

Enemy Desecrator scored a lucky hit on Malice that was on a hill. This dealt enough damage to bring melee weapon to one damage box remaining - so I didn't dare to stay in the scatheresque template.

Enemy Pistol Wraiths were flanking together on the left, and I countered them with Soul Trapper. That was not very effective, though.

Eventually Agathia's horde charged in - Desecrator and two Bane Warriors got to Malice after Pistol Wraiths had taken their shots. Somehow Malice survived even with Cortex to boot.

Situation was dire for me, so I decided to use Scaverous' feat even if it wouldn't make it into an assassination.

Conjoined efforts by Scaverous, Tartarus, Ripjaw and even Satyxis Blood Priestess removed every enemy Bane Warrior from board, which was a good thing of course. But Scaverous was uncomfortably close to Agathia's Cryx.

Feat removed one Slayer that was guarding Agathia. However, there still was another Slayer. Within charge distance of Scaverous.

Opponent had a streak of bad dice in some important rolls, but what gave most trouble for Agathia was Satyxis Blood Priestess. Without her Scaverous would've been Death Chilled for sure.

And if Desecrator and some light warjack would have removed my Tartarus, enemy Tartarus could have either charged to Scaverous or at least run to give dark shroud penalties.

But there was this Blood Priestess. Blocking Slayer's charge, and making Scaverous pretty much unshootable.

And as a gesture of good will and merry thoughts, Slayer charged Satyxis Blood Priestess.

Without bonuses from Scaverous' feat his ability to line up an assassination wasn't that impressive. However, one boosted Telekinesis did hit Agathia, which brought her within charge range of three Bane Warriors. And, well, Swamp Gobber River Raider too, I suppose.

First Desecrator and... oh my. Now I realize I cheated.

Desecrator and Iron Lich Overseer take random shots at Agathia. This means that there is a non-undead damaging template on Agathia.

Then, Swamp Gobber River Raider comes and takes a heroic shot at Agathia, which unfortunately deals no damage. Then the poor little guy is placed inside the template. Melee attack didn't even hit. But that might be because the gobber knew it should've already been dead.

Kind of sad. The only time it was about to do anything at all, the gobber only dragged itself to it's demise.

Then it was 7+ rolls for Bane Warriors. Who succeeded this time. Agathia went to keep some company to Swamp Gobber River Raider, whose empty, soulless husk is still standing there in the picture.

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