Sunday, May 20, 2018

Baneful Forest

Played a 75 point game of Warmachine. My list was:

[Theme] Black Industries
Goreshade the Bastard [+27]
- Harrower [16]
- Malice [15]
- Nightwretch [0(7)]
- Ripjaw [0(7)]
- Seether [13]
- Slayer [10]
- The Withershadow Combine [9]
Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius [4]
- Stalker [8]
Machine Wraith [2]
2x Necrotech [2]
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor [5]
2x Warwitch Siren [4]
Cephalyx Overlords [8]

Opponent had Exulon Thexus list with endless swarm of drudges. At a glance it's difficult to see which units are in question, so I won't try to piece this puzzle together from the few pictures I took. Non-cephalyx models were Alexia and the Risen plus a minimum unit of Forge Guard.

Cephalyx started. Being outnumbered like that is always oppressing, and here all of the enemy models would be able to punch fragile Cryxian heavy warjacks reliably.

In the picture I have, I have just lost Stalker who had managed to walk forward with Escort and then jump next to Exulon Thexus. I had figured that I probably needed to do something that might disrupt enemy battle plans. As a bonus the light warjack did some four or five points of damage to Thexus as well as tagging him with Grievous Wounds.

Thexus moved to use his feat in an attempt to score impressive amount of control points. This turned out to be just one - from my destroyed objective. Opponent forgot, and even more miraculously I remembered Seether had counter-charge. As drudges were flooding into the zones, Seether charged right back in. Three or four drudges were able to charge Seether but did not break it.

As I was probably going to lose attrition anyway, I had to take my chance at assassination. I had grand plans here - some model would kill Deathwalker and then Goreshade would charge in to one of the floating cephalyx models in the forest and turn it right back into Deathwalker so that Thexus would take -2 defense. Everything else went fine, except that when I checked the rules how to spawn Deathwalker I noticed that she replaces the destroyed model. And now the other cephalyx was in melee. I had planned on shooting it down with Hex Blast, but now I needed 13's to hit. I tried it anyway, and Goreshade missed Cephalyx. He hit Deathwalker, though. He boosted blast damage to the cephalyx and fortunately took it down with the blast. But no more Deathwalker.

Well, Goreshade used his feat and Tremulus came to offer them Puppet Master.

I got five Bane Warriors to charge Thexus, with one not receiving charge bonus.

I was blessed with enough 8's to hit for Banes to win the game.

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