Sunday, January 12, 2025

Lost Lost Love

 A 50ss game of Malifaux on Vassal.

Strategy: Standard Raid the Vaults

Schemes: Hold Up Their Forces, Sweating Bullets, Power Ritual, Information Overload, Take Prisoner

My list:

Kirai2 & Ikiryo
Datsue Ba
Kari Zotiko
Lost Love
Gwisin with Grave Spirit Touch

Pool: 6
Schemes: Power Ritual, Hold Up Their Forces

Opponent had:

Youko Hamasaki & Chiyo
Bill Algren
2x Bunraku

Pool: 5
Schemes: Power Ritual, Information Overload

Turn 1:

Kirai was forced to start the turn, so, Lost Love and Shikome just schemed in the corners while concentrating. Eventually Seishin gave a couple of walks for the Shikome after most Qi and Gong threats had activated. 

A few other models just walked and concentrated, namely Ikiryo and Onryo. 

Qi and Gong had Bunrakus to the flank, mirroring the schemes of Shikome and Lost Love. Plenty of others were dropping schemes, too. After Tanuki, Geisha and Chiyo were done with their activations, Ten Thunders had five scheme markers on board. That was a dedicated Information Overload -bluff, or perhaps they were trying to deny that scheme from me? 

After KOTO and Youko had activated and were near each other, and after Kari had whistled the granny a little closed, I unleashed my grandiose plan extraordinnaire. Datsue Ba gave double walk for already activated Gwisin. Unfortunately Kirai wasn't feeling that vindictive just yet, and failed to land Thirst for Vengeance on KOTO. But I had already committed, so I carried on with The Plan. Gwisin stomped over KOTO, but the jukebox passed Wp check.

Gwisin did not pass three Df -checks caused by Hinamatsu. I mean, he would have - if it hadn't been for severe damage, twice. 

Bill, Geisha and Tanuki looked like they were going to center-left strategy marker, while Hinamatsu, KOTO and Youko were near enough center-right.

Turn 2:

I have a saying that goes: "If you don't succeed at first, throw enough grannies at it until you do!" ... okay, I just made that one up. But Datsue Ba did attempt to skin KOTO, but there was only so much she could do with a skinning knife against a wooden automaton.

KOTO's nervous energy shuffled itself away from Datsue Ba, and Hinamatsu into melee with the skinner-to-be. 

Kirai activated, and now that she had a real reason to, she successfully thirsted for vengeance on Hinamatsu. But, considering what happened with Gwisin just a moment ago, Kirai decided to swirl the grandmother around for a bit, away from the potential six attacks. 

Hinamatsu failed Wp duel, so an Enslaved Spirit appeared. KOTO passed. Sundering managed to deal in a point to Hinamatsu, And that was it. The entire activation. One damage point, one three point minion.

Hinamatsu botched her first attempt at removing Enslaved Spirit, so she had to spend her flurry ability to get to charge Datsue Ba. Attack scored Onslaught, but this time around damage was done in 2:2 ratio to both combatants. 

I wasn't that eager to lose Datsue Ba just yet, so Kari activated to heal her a little. This gave time for Tanuki to heal Hinamatsu a little. So, Onryo missed the opportunity to shoot Mark of Vengeance to the puppet in time. But I guess that doesn't matter much, as the mark missed anyway. Projected voice, however, did not - and scored severe damage. 

This maneuver exposed Onryo, and Geisha lured it closer to Bill. Bill's fierce challenge reached Shikome's ears, but his Naginata reached Onryo only partially. It was left alive with three health remaining.

I was waiting for either Chiyo or Bunraku to activate from the left, and Bunraku was the first one to do that. The bugger was able to score moderate wound with critical strike, and Onryo exploded into adversarial mist. 

Since there was no contesting center-left marker any more, Shikome went to engage Chiyo. The kid's insults went unnoticed. I mean, Shikome had already been challenged by Bill Algren. Bill! Algren. What a duel it could have been.

Near center-right marker I decided to bring Ikiryo to act as a third shareholder at the vault. I figured it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility for Bunraku and Youko to go and contest a point away from me.

But, that did no happen. Instead, Bunraku and Youko both attacked the innocent old lady who was holding a skinning knife. No damage. 

However, there were no reveals, either. Both players did score the strategy for a 1-1 tie, though.

Turn 3:

So, I had a 13 in my hand and a pass token. Initiative was guaranteed. Hinamatsu was at three health remaining. Do the math.

WHAT?!? Black Joker?!?!?

So, instead of getting rid of Hinamatsu easily, Tanuki complicated things by healing Tanuki for two.

I still carried out with my grand plan of swirling the heck out of my crew. Kari was brought in to deny any further heals and Ikiryo was moved closer to bottom-right corner. Gaki popped out of adversaried KOTO. 

Hinamatsu wanted to go down in a blaze of glory, and started mauling Datsue Ba. And it sure was close, as the megapuppet carved through my entire stockpile of soulstones and left the granny with just two health remaining. Well, she also left herself with just one health remaining, or so. 

Kari was concerned for the elderly, and walked to get LoS to Datsue Ba. She healed her for two. 

KOTO brought the Gaki down to one health remaining, but I don't actually remember what killed that particular Gaki? Was it Youko herself? Oh well, who cares. There were so many to choose from anyway, when another came into being from Youko. 

I was somewhat alarmed after Bunraku managed to deal two points in to Datsue Ba. Now the minipuppet required only a moderate, or a weak with critical strike to make her go away. But what were the chances of that? It needed to pass Terrifying 12 with Wp4, and then hit with the actual sword.

Yeah. Bye bye, Granny.

Because I lost her stat 7 melee attack before Datsue Ba even activated, Ikiryo had to redirect from going to score Power Ritual. She tried to kill both Hinamatsu and KOTO with Projected Voice, but the attack missed. To at least take down one enemy model this turn, Ikiryo then charged to KOTO, and killed it.

Geisha went to control center-left marker, while riskily maneuvering Bunraku went to top-left strategy. 

Despite using her focus, Shikome was not able to kill Chiyo with just one action. The deed required two actions, and my last card from hand. This was a little problematic, as this was now third turn Lost Love would have to just... do nothing, I guess. Well, at least he was spamming some scheme markers, as it certainly looked like Ten Thunders was overloading Resurrectionists with information.

Bill stopped challenging random Shikomes and entered the bottom-right melee. He did cleave half of Ikiryo's health away with naginata.

Both crews scored strategy but no schemes for a 2-2 tie.

Turn 4:

Kirai started Resurrectionist activations again, and brought Ikiryo to safety from Bill's horrible naginata, and pushed Gaki to engage Bill instead. Ikiryo was able to kill Hinamatsu with rams trigger.

Bill Algren targets an Enslaved Spirit that had just happened to happen with Heroic Intervention. This was a good move, as it flinged Youko away from recently big melee of bottom-right. The spirit was heroically freed from its slavery, and Ikiryo was back in Bill's reach. Bill got a plus on his damage flip, so he took last card from my control hand. He smacked Ikiryo for a couple more damage only, which she healed by killing Bunraku.

Lost Love did not approve, though, as this was his fourth turn spamming useless scheme markers.

The other Bunraku went to power up a ritual on top-left corner, while Geisha went to control top-left strategy marker. Tanuki ran to center-left strategy marker, but was in no shape to interact. 

Youko also went to control center-right strategy marker, and placed a scheme marker there. Gaki couldn't believe that Youko would bluff Information Overload that hard, and came to check the scheme marker, engaging Youko in the process. The Gaki was summoned last turn, so it was eligible to be used in schemes.

Shikome was finally able to go and place a scheme marker for Power Ritual.

I didn't get a strategy point this turn, but scores continued in a 4-4 tie, as Resurrectionists got both schemes, and Ten Thunders only one plus the strategy.

Turn 5:

Kirai activated first, and tried to save Ikiryo by removing her from Bill's clutches. Unfortunately, though, there is only so much survivability you can expect from a Df 3 model versus stat 6 attacks. Anyway, Kirai swirled around with mask triggers, and eventually placed a scheme marker to bottom-right corner. Shikome did that in bottom-left, and flew to control bottom-left strategy marker. 

However, after Bill removed Ikiryo, I ditched any attempts at scoring third strategy point. Kari went to act as a homing beacon for Lost Love, who finally - for the first turn in this game - actually did anything. He teleported to Kari, tried to remove a scheme marker with Soothe Spirit (failed) and charged Youko (failing at that). But at least he was engaging.

Tanuki wobbled to help Youko in controlling the center-right strategy marker. 

Resurrectionists were able to score both schemes, while Ten Thunders got strategy and Information Overload for a 6-6 draw.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Waving a flag

A 50 point game of Warmachine on War Table. 

My list:

Horruskh with Inviolable Resolve and Windstorm
-Tyrant with Relentless Charge, Shield and flail
Ulkor Barragers
Strike Reavers + Standard
Warwitch Sirens

Command cards: Careful Reconnaissance, Infiltration, Old Faithful, Power Swell, True Inspiration

Opponent had:

Cryx Dark Host
Bane Witch Agathia
-4x Deathripper
-2x Ripjaw
Bane Warriors
Pistol Wraith

Command cards: Old Faithful, Blessing of Gods, Breakthrough, Infiltration, Power Swell

We were playing a Steamroller 2023 scenario. Cryx started, with Nanes and three bonejacks to the left, Pistol Wraith and remaining three bonejacks to the right, and Desecrator, Necrotech and Agathia in the middle. Agathia had cast Hellwrought on Desecrator.

Orgoth had Ravener rampage through the woods to my side flag, with Strike Reavers in the middle behind an impassable tower. Tyrant and Horruskh were there too. Horrusk gave Inviolable Resolve for Strike Reavers. Ulkor Barragers closed in from the left.

Desecrator shot at ARM 19 Strike Reavers. It was a direct hit, but damage didn't penetrate that armor. Howeer, two out of three blast damage rolls somehow succeeded at that. Go figure?

Everything opponent had on the left packed themselves to trenches. Pistol Wraith claimed flag, and the bonejacks there started to pivot to center. 

It was time for Horruskh's feat now. Remaining Strike Reavers got Tough from command card, walked near centerpoint and started shooting a Ripjaw that was hiding behind the tower. They managed to do some damage, but the kill shot was made by Tyrant's shield cannon.

Horruskh put up Wind Storm and went to control a flag. 

Ravener advanced behind Strike Reavers. Ulkor Barragers managed to kill Necrotech, but they also triggered Hellwrought with unfavorable tradeoff for Orgoth.

Ulkor Barragers were killed easily enough after Agathia arced Parasite on them. As an added bonus, Desecrator certainly had a thing going on with blast damage rolls in this game. Two Bane Warriors were removed by the finalizing shot made by Desecrator.

The flock of bonejacks continued to swarm the circular zone, leaving the right side with only incorporeal Pistol Wraith scoring points. However, Ulkor Barragers had been my only models contesting circular zone, so Cryx took the lead in scenario.

Since I had not hired enough solos to control flags, Horruskh was stuck at Orgoth flag. At least he had Fate-Blessed to support his team. 

Strike Reavers went to contest circular zone and shoot at bonejacks, dealing random damage points here and there. With some help from Reavers, Tyrant was able to remove remaining Bane Warriors. 

Ravener charges Pistol Wraith with fell cleaver, destroys the ghost and goes berserk on Cryx objective. Thus, Orgoth took lead in scenario.

While Agathia did respectable job personally killing Strike Reavers, the flock of bonejacks and Desecrator didn't fare as well against Tyrant. Although that was probably thanks to Agathia missing her boosted Parasite against Def 11 target. 

This gave me quite of a lead in scenario play, as now I was able to contest the circular zone with Ravener. Unfortunately Tyrant wasn't able to thin the number of enemy models, well, at all. Not even when Warwitches were supporting with Dark Shroud.

It was already turn five, so even if I was leading with points, I didn't think my models would last long enough to actually give me even scenario victory. 

This time Tyrant went down with ease, as Agathia cast Parasite on it for good measure. Bonejacks tried to kill any Warwitches they could find. They missed one. 

Another Deathripper wasn't enough to challenge Ravener, but it blocked its way to reach Agathia. With the aid of some finger maths, I reckoned Ravener and a singular Warwitch would have to survive for a one full round to give me scenario victory - or kill Agathia now.

Horruskh tried to blow Deathripper that was engaging Ravener away with Thunder Strike. Despite melee bonus, the spell hit and Ravener was free to get blocked by another damn Deathripper. No matter how I tried, there just wasn't a way to get to Agathia. So, the monstrosity just wrecked the bonejack and started to pray.

Its prayers went unanswered. In fact, the Ravener took absolutely horrendous damage rolls in. It almost looked like last Warwitch from coven would be the one to defy odds, but now. Last possible attack made another Deathripper sealed her deal, and Horruskh started his sixth turn with only him remaining. 

For a while I had been four points above Cryx in scenario game, so now Horruskh just needed to survive, or opponent would have to score four points. So, Horruskh cast Inviolable Resolve on himself, went hiding behind a flag and waved it... not to surrender, but to taunt.

A couple of Hellfires just weren't enough to kill undamaged Horruskh with five focus for damage blocks, so it was a tiebreaker victory for Orgoth. 

Monday, December 30, 2024

Screw You, Benny!

 A 50ss game of Malifaux on Vassal.

Strategy: Flank Break the Line

Schemes: Death Beds, Assassinate, Detonate Charges, Hidden Martyrs, Catch and Release

My list:

Piper Hamelin & 3x Stolen
Benny Wolcomb
Tunnel Rats
Malifaux Child
Rat King
Winged Plague
Malifaux Rat

Pool: 5
Schemes: Detonate Charges, Hidden Martyrs

Opponent had:

Lucas McCabe, Relic Hunter & Luna
Sidir Alchibal
Desper LaRaux
2x Rough Rider
2x Ruffian

Pool: 4
Schemes: Detonate Charges, Hidden Martyrs (Tanuki & Rough Rider, the one below)

Turn 1:

Nix started by planting a scheme marker for a new Rat King. He went hiding behind a wall. 

Opponent started shuffling about, slowly claiming both markers in the middle. Whenever wastrels had action points yo spare, they took small shots at Nix. And damage kept piling in, leaving me worried fur the pup's safety. 

Before Sidir had activated, Hamelin took his shot. He stunned Sidir and made Malifaux Child interact a scheme for Benny. Last action went to move away from easy range of Machine Gun.

However, Lucas dug up a Timeworn Blade for Sidir, took a couple of walks and rode Sidir closer to Nix, again.

Sacrifices needed to be made, so Fumigator walked and charged to engage Sidir. Sidir dodged, disengaged and began to shoot. After all attacks targeted against Nix, the dog was still at four health remaining. But it had cost me three soulstones. 

Stolen grind out activations from Ten Thunders. I realized I had spent all of my 8+ cards when protecting Nix, so Benny didn't have a guaranteed Rat King coming up. Fumigator that had been supposed to plant at least one scheme to the rat bomb had had to relocate.

To boost Benny's chances of getting an 8+ straight out of deck, Malifaux Child backtracked to place a fourth scheme marker. Thus, Benny was able to get Fast. After all enemy models had activated, Benny began to activate Loyal Rats with Tiny Hats. First one failed, second one failed and third one...


Great job, Benny. 

Rat King had walked and charged Ruffian who was hugging center-left strategy marker without much of an effect. Looking back now, that turn was a hideous mess. The only good things were stunning Sidir and Tunnel Rats going to toss a strategy marker to enemy side. 


Turn 2:

Tunnel Rats continued their success story by using Secret Passage to get to strategy marker and toss it out of Rough Rider's reach. They also planted some minefields to discourage trampling hooves. Unfortunately minefields did not discourage rifle shots, one of which dealt a couple of damage points in.

In the center, Sidir actually was the first model to activate, and started shooting Fumigator. Sidir softened up the target, gave the Timeworn Blade for Rough Rider. The horseman shot Fumigator dead with double severes with negative modifiers. He also interacted a strategy marker and threw Timeworn Blade for Lucas.

Looked like Nix would reach three models with Drink Spirit, so Nix walked and charged Lucas to complicate the middle. Attack dealt respectable damage, but then came time to drink some spirits. Nix's future suddenly appeared to not... exist. Black Joker. And Fast master about to activate. 

Sure enough, Lucas activated next and started whipping the ghostly dog. It took the remainder of my soulstones and high cards from hand, but Nix was still standing! Only that... he had just one hit point.

Hamelin tried to come to save the day and stun Ruffian closest to Nix and offer some TN 13 willpower duels for, like, six enemy models from Fumigator's corpse. However, all my good cards had already been spent, so Hamelin needed 8+ straight from the deck. Both actions failed, so Nix was... still... at one health remaining. 

Lucas had given Timeworn Blade for Ruffian, who activated next. He chainganged himself into melee with Nix, and... failed first attack. Nix healed to two remaining. Unfortunately second attack hit, and Nix was back to one health. And the last attack? Missed! Woo hoo, who's a good boy?

Rat King healed Nix for one, and Stolen that were spitting on Lucas healed Nix up to five health. I love it how messed up that survivability is. 

Since Desper had leaped to Nix to plant a scheme, that gentleman burglar was going nowhere else this turn. Benny ditched his sorry attempt to bring in more rats, and ate a scheme marker for Fast. He took a double walk to drop a scheme near Desper. Winged Plague removed Desper's blight tokens to drop another scheme marker for Detonate Charges.

One Ruffian below brought a strategy marker to my side.

Both crews scored a strategy point, and both got Detonate Charges for a 2-2 tie.

Turn 3:

Lucas started with a headlong charge against Nix. While the wastrel master didn't do a whole lot against Nix, he did dole out a Phantasmal Mask for Sidir before riding away from melee. I figured Nix with four health might be able to take a whopping from Sidir, so Tunnel Rats activated. Strategy Marker was thrown just over 8" away from centerline and walked over 6" away from Rough Rider. 

Sidir charged Nix and put it down with two strikes. He was buying Rams for critical strike, so there was at least that expenditure on Sidir's part. Last action point went into shooting down Malifaux Child with a machine gun. 

The kid had been my other hidden martyr, so I was looking at the real possibility of fully losing points from Hidden Martyrs if Rough Rider on top decided to land two weak damages on Tunnel Rats. That was too big of a risk after losing Nix and Malifaux Child before they had even activated.

Hamelin took a double walk near the center, and at first tried to stun threatening Rough Rider. Piper's Influence failed, but at least Obey worked. Rough Rider took a dip inside minefield before running 5.5" away from Tunnel Rats.

Rat King tried to gnaw Ruffian off the board, but their majesty was offended by Ruffian's manners. Benny Wolcomb had to come and stick a blade into the wastrel minion's last hit point.

Those were the most important developments of the turn. Rough Riders relocated to middle and tried to shoot Rat King, but not getting it below half of its health remaining. 

Sidir had tossed Phantasmal Mask for Desper, who had leaped to transform Winged Plague into a soulstone. He couldn't charge because of Hamelin's aura. 

Kids were spitting at Lucas, Tanuki was swiping those way.

Both players scored strategy point, but Malifaux Child was turned into a victory point for Outcasts, so they got the lead with 4-3.

Turn 4: 

Outcasts actually got the initiative for change. And what a beautiful activation Hamelin had! First he Obeyed Rat King to interact strategy marker. Marker went next to Rough Rider. Then, Hamelin landed both a stun and an Obey to Rough Rider to throw the strategy marker even further. I think the last action was Obey, too, but I'm not sure about the target. 

Opponent didn't prioritize the situation in middle. Instead, Tanuki healed Lucas for a bit and threw a strategy marker deep inside my territory.

Rat King charged the pipered Rough Rider, and missed. Second attack, however, hit and got masks from Piper's Influence. Two attacks later, Rough Rider was dead before it had activated. So yay for that.

However, Desper recognized the danger of Outcasts getting four strategy points, so he leaped and walked to throw the strategy marker a little closer.

This, however, put Desper in the range of Tunnel Rat's trench gun. Rats were above half of their health, so they didn't have too much trouble in landing a moderate damage - which was enough to kill Desper. How? Well, Stolen kid had almost killed Desper by spitting at him. Had it not been a full three for damage block with a stone, the kid would have scored a henchman kill.

Benny had... done... something, I guess? Maybe he tried to attack Rough Rider or Sidir? Anyway, he did engage both for some added nuisance and apparently placed a scheme marker at some point. 

Rough Rider rode away from Benny along with Sidir. Their combined efforts resulted in dead Rat King and dead Stolen, plus some damage in to Hamelin.

Another stolen brough Lucas down to three health remaining, while the last Stolen attempted to deny enemy fourth strategy point, maybe. He went frantically flailing to Ruffian coming from the right, but missed. Ruffien killed the kid and charged resulting Malifaux Rat so that it was in contact with strategy marker. Ah well. At least the kid tried.

Both players score strategy for a 5-4 lead for Outcasts.

Turn 5:

Lucas tried to tie down Benny Wolcomb, and soon enough the godfather was within 2" of two enemy scheme markers. 

Hamelin does another awesome activation. First, he Obeys Tunnel Rats to use Secret Passage to get closer now that Lucas was securely in place. Then he stuns Rough Rider with Piper's Influence - and obeys Tanuki away from fourth strategy point for Ten Thunders. Last Obey went to Benny in an attempt to disengage him, but that didn't amount to anything.

Lucas had difficult choice to make now. I had no idea, but both Rough Rider and Tanuki were enemy martyr's. He would be able to get fourth strategy point even with stunned Rough Rider, but that would leave Hidden Martyrs with zero points. 

In the end, Ten Thunders went to get their fourth strategy point. Benny beat up a few rats to get two schemes within 2" of Lucas, and Tunnel Rats just ran to get engaged with Lucas. 

A close fought 7-5 victory for Hamelin.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

My Teddy Wants To Tell You Something

 A 50ss game of Malifaux

Strategy: Standard Raid the Vaults

Schemes: Deliver a Message, Hold Up Their Forces, Death Beds, Espionage, Protected Territory

My list:

Molly with The Whisper & Necrotic Machine
Philip & Nanny
Rogue Necromancy
Keepside Strangers
Rabble Riser
Night Terror
Enslaved Spirit

Pool: 5
Schemes: Deliver a Message (Crooligan), Protected Territory

Opponent had:

Shenlong & 2x Aspiring Students
Sensei Yu
High River Monk
Thunder Archer
Fermented River Monk
2x Wandering River Monk
Low River Monk with Trained Ninja

Pool: 4
Schemes: Protected Territory, Espionage

Turn 1:

Monks started concentrating on their Chi, barely exiting their deployment zone. Except for that one Wandering River Monk that ended up less than five inches away from my deployment zone. Although Night Terror helped the guy a little. Presumably the flapping of bat wings inspire butterfly jumps. 

Early on Molly took a double walk to within 2" of center-left strategy marker and concentrated to spread some Lethe's Caress. I don't think anyone took the damage just yet, though, but at least it complicated Chi generation.

Monks had bunched up nicely. Stone pillar hides Shenlong himself and Aspiring Student from the picture. I was concerned about High River Monk and his ruthlessness, so that's where Keepside Strangers aimed their snakes at. Attack hit and dealt moderate damage, the blast splashing on Aspiring Student. 

I was tempted to try and finish off those two, but eventually walked Keepside Strangers away so that Thunder Archer would have to walk to get within range. And so it did, dealing two points through Shielded. 

It was probably Low River Monk that healed Aspiring Student so that it would not die to poison. Opponent was now wary of blasts, and moved Sensei Yu to contest top-right strategy marker instead of standing in the middle of everything.

And that was when Rogue Necromancy did Projectile Vomit on Yu, dealing three points to him and two blasts reached Low River Monk and Thunder Archer. 

For sure it was oppressive situation for Monks. Especially after Necrotic Machine went to heal the only damage Resurrectionists had taken. And High River Monk was at one health remaining, Sensei Yu had taken four, and some random points here and there. I also had a pass token.

Turn 2:

So I got the initiative easily enough. I had some options how to deal with High River Monk, and I decided to jam Rogue Necromancy in the middle of enemy crew. I figured I might lose Rogue Necromancy because of that, but at least it would considerably slow down Ten Thunders strategy options. 

Rogue ambushed, walked over the small wall section and charged High River Monk, using focus point. Stat 6, three cards, bonus to damage flips. Had a 13 in hand. Everything. 

Black Joker. Bad things happen, yeah.

Low River Monk did a double heal on High River Monk, healing it back up to five. 

Next Shenlong would have ample time to heal just about everyone, so Molly had to activate next and premonition her cards away. First she did two damage with Disturbing Story, and remaining three came from another Disturbing Story that needed a cheat. 

Shenlong probably healed Thunder Archer for a bit and switched his fighting style to that horrifying dragon kick thing. Two hits landed on Rogue Necromancy, some of which was healed by Necrotic Machine.

So, in the end, Rogue Necromancy died on turn two. But at least it took, uh, two actions from Shenlong, two actions from an insignificant totem and two actions from Fermented River Monk. Oh. Right. So nothing to write home about.

At least handful of snakes scored a big one again, damaging Thunder Archer and blasting Low River Monk dead. They even had time to place a scheme marker next to center-right strategy marker. 

Thunder Archer was no slouch either, removing Enslaved Spirit with a single shot and killing it again with target practice. 

A Wandering Monk leaped to bottom-left strategy marker and placed a scheme to my deployment. The other one did a scheme to centerline, too, so looked a bit like Espionage. Philip & Nanny was able to slow somebody with a question, and remove an enemy scheme marker, which by the time had been the one in Ten Thunders deployment zone. 

Rabble Riser redirected itself from centerline to attack the Monk that had jumped to bottom-left. I believe he missed his attack. 

However, Enslaved Spirit and Night Terror had procured Protected Territory for me, and Crooligan teleported to hand over a message to Shenlong. I was controlling at least one strategy marker, not sure about the one Yu is standing next to. 

That was a 3-1 lead to Resurrectionists.

Turn 3:

Aspiring Student started beating a kid in the face with the pointy end of a broom. That's how students aspire these days? Dragonfly kick even set her and her teddy bear on fire. She figured out her messages were not appreciated, teleported to Philip & Nanny and went to place a scheme marker and contest top-left strategy marker. One problem, though. She had Burning +2, one health remaining.

Necrotic Machine and Molly tied their best at taking down Sensei Yu. But damn those chi tokens. Not a single injector broke Yu's skin, and his mind was fazed only a little by Molly's disturbing stories. Juggernaut healed back whatever she managed to do. He was able to kill Keepside Strangers before they were able to activate.

Night Terror walked to assist Crooligan with her burning, but managed to smother only the teddy bear. Not the kid herself. It tried to take better cover with reposition from Negation Aura. 

However, Yu had given Fast to Thunder Archer. He walked back to Ten Thunders deployment and took two shots at the bat. One attack hit, and dealt weak damage, so Night Terror was down to two health remaining.

Philip & Nanny managed to kill an Aspiring Student that had charged them. As I didn't want Shenlong to come and engage top-left corner marker, they Pram-Rammed Shenlong.

That backfired, when Shenlong used four winds punch to push the prams away - and one of my scheme markers to centerline. Ten Thunders master gave an interact for Thunder Archer, andwalked to contest center-left marker instead. 

Rabble Riser didn't manage to finish off a Wandering River Monk. He needed a moderate for that. Didn't get. And instead, the duo kicked the Riser out of Rabble. 

Resurrectionists got a second strategy point, while Ten Thunders claimed their first. They also got Protected Territory, so they caught up a little, to 4-3 lead for Molly.

Turn 4:

Then, things went wrong for Resurrectionists. It took every damn action point I had on board to kill Yu. Finally it did happen, but I wasn't able to play for points... much.

Shenlong switches to the unpredictable river style, and, huh. YEAAH. Molly had graciously even gifted Shenlong Distracted beforehand so that she was pretty much doomed. After spending most of my soulstones, Molly was still standing with five health remaining. But another such barrage next turn... I didn't look forward to that.

Thunder Archer shot Night Terror dead, and Remaining monks just schemed as if their lives depended on it. 

Both players scored strategy, for a 5-4 lead for Resurrectionists.

Turn 5:

Thunder Archer's Target Practice was my biggest concern right now, so Necrotic Machine healed Molly for a couple of points and walked to charge Thunder Archer. The archer had one health remaining from all the Lethe's Caress procs. But that one health was too many - it might just disengage and shoot my scheme markers anyway.

Philip & Nanny was able to activate before Archer did and gave Slow for it. No damage though, since the damn thing had no melee range, so wasn't engaging anyone for the damage instance from One More Question.

Shenlong made a gambit and tried to hit Molly twice with four-winds punch to get my scheme marker away from where it should be. Second punch failed to connect - that style is far more predictable with Serene Countenance than the drunken swings Shenlong was doing earlier. 

Molly was able to spend pass tokens and wait until all the monks had done their things. She removed the only scheme marker opponent had on the centerline She was, however, both stunned and staggered, so she wasn't going to make it to top-right strategy marker with two actions even if she disengaged successfully.

Ten Thunders got third strategy point and Protected Territory.

Resurrectionists got either Deliver a Message or Protected Territory, but not both. So, it was a 6-6 draw.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Handshake Against Torment

 Two 50ss games of Malifaux. These were played over a week ago during my Kuhmo visit, so details are likely gone from my memory. Both players were slowly getting a tad tired of Gaining Grounds 4, so we shook things up a little by playing gg1 strategies.

Game 1:

Strategy: Corner Public Enemies

Schemes: Let Them Bleed, Research Mission, Breakthrough, Take Prisoner, Claim Jump

My list:

Kirai & Ikiryo
Kari Zotiko
Jaakuna Ubume
The Ferryman
Lost Love
2x Drowned
2x Seishin

Pool: 6
Schemes: Let Them Bleed, Breakthrough

Opponent had:

Charles Hoffman & Mechanical Attendant
Melissa K.
Guild Steward

Pool: 5
Schemes: Take Prisoner (Ferryman), Claim Jump (Peacekeeper)

Turn 1:

Scenario was such a killy one, but corner deployment made the first round mostly about closing in. Early on Hoffman have Fast to Peacekeeper, which made me a cautious. I overdid my defenses, slapping Twisting Mist for Jaakuna Ubume. Concealed Serene Countenance model should survive most shooting opponent might have at me. 

Sure enough, round boiled down with Peacekeeper running so close to center point that I was kind of scared of next turn. Ferryman and Kari were near enough to charge.

Kirai tries to save the day by summoning a Goryo that manages to charge Peacekeeper and land Adversary on it. 

All of my crew was coming from bottom-left quarter except for Ikiryo, who was hiding behind a dwarven house to perhaps launch a Lost Love to enemy deployment zone next turn.

Entirety of Augmented pretty much mirrored my movements, too, when all but Hunter were closing in from top-right quarter, sans Hunter that was hiding from Ikiryo on the opposite side of dwarven house.


Turn 2:

Hoffman activates first, gives Fast to Peacekeeper and punches Goryo off the board while also getting bounty tokens. Perhaps Kirai would have to reconsider her summonings, as giving enemy free points like that hurts.

But something would have to hold up Fast Peacekeeper. Kirai summoned an Onryo for the job. However, she was dubious about a single five point minion holding up a buffed up 10 point enforcer, so Kirai went into hiding.

Fortunately Onryo gave hard time for Augmented. Melissa didn't land even a single hit, so Peacekeeper had to kill Onryo before moving suspiciously close to center point. 

One of the Drowned managed to distract and poison Peacekeeper a little, while the other charged at the thing. Would I have to rush my models against the thing piecemeal, one by one?  How about my bounty tokens?

Well, Jaakuna Ubume charged Hunter so that it wouldn't go to engage Ikiryo. She did the drowning aura. Hunter was in for some bad time, as every action it failed gave a point of damage, and every attack that actually hit would deal two. It nearly scrapped itself in trying to remove Jaakuna. It did well enough, so Kari had to heal Jaakuna with her entire activation.

And then Guardian came to swing the greatsword at Jaakuna. She survived, and had caused seven or eight points of damage via vengeance and drowning aura in total.

Desperately trying to get bounties to score, Ferryman tried to wreck the Hunter. Ferryman managed to claw only a couple of damage points, which left Hunter with two. Looked like Ikiryo would have to delay her proceedings to not lose points from this round.

Lost Love teleported to Ikiryo and gave her Fast with a trigger. He tried to heal the damage he had caused, but didn't get it quite right. 

Ikiryo projected voice over Hunter. She had Focus +1 from last turn, and used that to get through friendly fire - and scored a severe wound! Yay, two bounty tokens and two action points to get as far from the action as possible. 

Both players scored strategy, but no schemes were revealed. It was a 1-1 tie, but situation on board looked miserable from my point of view.

Turn 3:

Jaakuna was able to activate to put up her drowning aura. This combination continued to plink and plonk Guardian, until Guardian halved Jaakuna. Before opponent would bring in the heals, Kari charged Hoffman to get Peacekeeper and Guardian within no-heal aura. This was a high risk move so early in turn, but I might be able to score Let Them Bleed this way.

And surely enough, Kari spent most of my soulstones. Lost Love had to teleport in to double-heal Kari, and so did Kirai. Without the teleport, of course. But, in the end phase, Kari was all alive and well. Same could not be said about Guardian and Peacekeeper that had been hitting themselves for quite a while. 

As situation in the middle had devolved into a gigantic melee, Ikiryo was able to walk and plant a scheme for Breakthrough. Yay. Kari had survived to give me Let Them Bleed. But no robots were dismantled this turn, while opponent had plenty enough bounties. 

Opponent did no reveals, so Urami took the lead with 3-2.

Turn 4:

Ikiryo and Lost Love went to spam scheme markers to enemy corner, so they were out of action.

And in the middle... uh. Huh. 

Kari died, which put heals back on the menu for Augmented. I needed to hurry to get kills. Guardian went down easily enough, but unfortunately that meant that Hoffman and Tanuki doubled up on heals for Peacekeeper. 

Drowned kept putting dents into Peacekeeper, and another Drowned charged Melissa, who was also near the middle by now. 

Opponent needed four tokens for a victory point, which wasn't available. Kirai had managed to kill Guardian and Watcher, so that was the three bounties required for a point. Scores went 4-2 for Resurrectionists.

Turn 5:

Opponent had a chance for a difficult draw. We played until it became impossible to achieve.

And the only proper way to get at that was to punch some damage in to Tanuki after it had activated. Let Them Bleed was secured. Breakthrough was, too. 

Oh, but Guild can't have Tanuki's, you say? Okay, okay, Guild Steward, then. Anyway.

Opponent also got both of their scheme end conditions for a 6-4 victory for Kirai. 

Game 2:

Strategy: Wedge Symbols of Authority

Schemes: Sabotage, Spread Them Out, Vendetta, Take Prisoner, Runic Binding

My list:

Jack Daw & Lady Ligeia
Malifaux Child
2x Hanged
2x Guilty

Pool: 5
Schemes: Spread Them Out, Runic Binding

Opponent had:

Jakob Lynch & Hungering Darkness
Kitty Dumont
Soul Battery
Mr. Graves
Mr. Tannen

Pool: 6
Schemes: Take Prisoner (Ferryman), Sabotage (Fallen arch in bottom-left quarter)

Turn 1:

We were playing Wedge from left to right. 

I had two strike teams of Guilty and Hanged attempting to flank. Oh, and Malifaux Child, too, was flanken' at the bottom. Oh yeah. All the kid did was to pull Kitty Dumont to center line. What's this? This is no McCabe? Surely Lynch would not take children as prisoners?

Montresor, Lady Ligeia and Jack Daw guard one symbol of authority near my wedge corner. Montresor gives Ferryman a walk, so it was able to either go charge Kitty Dumont, or place first marker for my schemes. It decided to interact while still able. 

I don't remember who or what shot a severe damage to Ferryman. It was probably Lynch with his derringer. Suddenly no access to Kari's heals... felt. 

Hungering Darkness went to harass my second Guilty/Hanged team on top, but there were no exchanges just yet. 

Turn 2:

Ferryman charged into the thick of Honeypot crew. It dropped a second scheme marker. However, that half of a boat had been adept with flipping ones, and had somehow ended up with at least five brilliance tokens. A couple of damage points here and there, and Ferryman was looking at a real possibility of developing a crippling drug habit.

And surely enough, Jakob Lynch offered the figurehead a free sample. The undead mermaid shook off the ropes, descended down from the front and started doing brilliance right there. Lynch had convinced her to become Honeypot's new Beckoner. 

Jack Daw goes to place a third scheme marker for Runic Binding, and charged Mr. Graves. As a move it was... less than ideal because of Black Blood. But I needed Jack to stand on top of the scheme marker so that the multitude of as of yet unactivated models would not just go and pick it up. 

Montresor was in range to perma-stagger Mr. Graves. Lady Ligeia made a shout at Mr. Tannen, bursting the little man's ears with a shriek. Shriek blasted a nearby Beckoner, staggering her too. 

Guilty and Hanged below tried to engage and hold up people near the wreckage of Ferryman.Before Soul Battery had activated, Hanged gave him the psychotic upgrade when opponent no longer had any cards in hand. That was a 3" push towards the triangle of Runic Binding.

Jack Daw's valiant sacrifice paid off, but he wasn't in a good shape at all. This lead to a weird move by me. Guilty on top had charged Hungering Darkness to tie it up. Hungering Darkness didn't do too much damage, so Hanged gave the Forbidden Knowledge for Guilty and teleported next to it. Then he hit Guilty with the noose and walked away, healing Jack Daw for one. 

Beckoner, Mr. Tannen and Jakob Lynch in close proximity are a terrible bubble for Jack to be in. 

But, at least I scored Runic Binding, while opponent got nothing. A 1-0 lead for Tormented.

Oh, Malifaux Child had disengaged from Kitty, hopefully activating soon enough next turn to drop a scheme marker, until Kitty comes to claim the prisoner.

Turn 3:

Shock! Taking kids as prisoners is McCabe's business indeed. Kitty just went to drop a scheme marker to sabotage target. Malifaux Child walked and dropped a scheme marker. 

Shock and awe! Illuminated kills Guilty, Hungering Darkness kills Guilty. I'm not sure if I have ever had eight card hand, but next turn I would.

Shock and horror! After draining pretty much every resource at my disposal, Lynch is able to give Jack Daw a firm handshake. I suppose that's what Jack Daw's tormented spirit was looking for, because he disappeared after the fact. 

Montresor and Lady Ligeia are able to finish off Mr. Graves. 

Hanged on top places a scheme and walks towards the unknown.

The ultimate shock!

At the end of turn three, scores were still 1-0. Has it ever been so before? Not going to check, but it must be about as rare as having scores of 4-4 at the end of second turn.

Turn 4:

Hungering Darkness goes to pick up first ever Symbol of Authority. 

Hanged on top and kid below continue to walk and drop schemes. 

Montresor could have dropped a scheme marker and charged on top of it, trying to kill Mr. Tannen. But instead I chose violence, trying to remove Mr. Tannen with two attacks. Reason was Hanged below that had managed to drop two scheme markers next to Illuminated with lucky triggers. 

Too bad that Lynch turned Hanged into another Beckoner. Thus, Illuminated had all the time in the world to remove both scheme markers with just one action.

What a mess. I didn't get a point this turn, but fortunately opponent wasn't going that strong either. Perhaps because they had already killed their chosen prisoner. But, Ten Thunders took the lead at 2-1, when they finally had enough markers for Sabotage.

Turn 5:

Hopeless turn. Hopeless game.

Somehow I had failed in my scheme marker placement in such a way that I had the capability to get Spread Them Out or a strategy marker, but not both.

Two points for me throughout the game. Woohoo.

Kitty was able to pick up a strategy marker, and also go to place the required scheme marker for sabotage end condition.

A clear 4-2 victory for Jakob Lynch. And let me say, he deserved it. He killed Ferryman, Jack Daw and Hanged, plus managed to summon ten stones worth of extra models.

Jakob Lynch 1 is my #1 opponent in play count, and out of all of my masters that has played a game against him, Jack Daw1 is the only one that hasn't scored even a single victory. And this was third such game. 

But I guess black blood and all those cheat auras count for something if I have to park Jack Daw in the range of every one of them.

Saturday, November 30, 2024


Three rounds of two-player Yatzy during visit to my parents.

We rolled some dice. Points were scored. I won one round, lost two. Wheee..

Update: And another three round session of Yatzy with three players.

Update x2: And let's clump up all the after-work sessions as a third session, with two, three and four players.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Tanuki On A Stick

 A 50ss game of Malifaux on Vassal.

Strategy: Corner Cloak and Dagger

Schemes: Let Them Bleed, Power Ritual, Ensnare, Espionage, Hold Up Their Forces

My list:

McMourning & Zombie Chihuahua
Rogue Necromancy
Corpse Curator
Canine Remains

Pool: 3
Schemes: Ensnare, Hold Up Their Forces

Opponent had:

Hungering Darkness & Dark Bet
Gwyneth Maddox
2x Beckoner

Pool: 4

Schemes: Ensnare, Hold Up Their Forces

Turn 1:

Well, scheme pool... was. There was little sense in picking other than Ensnare and Hold Up. Both Power Ritual and Espionage required interacting in enemy deployment zone, and our crews weren't really specialized in getting there. Let Them Bleed wasn't appealing option either. Super-healing Rogue Necromancy was annoying for reveal, and not a bloody chance I would try to get Gwyneth down to half of her health remaining.

It's been a while since this game was played, so I'll have to be brief.

Resurrectionists had a nasty bottleneck right out of their deployment zone. McMourning was able to summon a Flesh Construct, and Sebastian did a Canine Remains, but there was a staggering blob of models in close proximity to each other in confined spaces. And Hungering Darkness had ran to center line, and I was worried that it might just walk and charge next turn to engage, like, Rogue Necromancy, Sebastian, Corpse Curator, McMourning, Nurse and two Canine Remains. 

So, summoned Flesh Construct went to engage and buy some time for the gathering to dissolve. 

Ten Thunders were spread out a little better, with Gwyneth and Illuminated going to top strategy marker, and Beckoner plus Hungering Darkness were near middle. Remainder of Honeypot was going  towards bottom-right quarter.

Turn 2:

Kentauroi picked up a Canine Remains, picked up an intel and backed off. Canine Remains was to pick up even more intel, but then Illuminated charged the dog. Although attacks missed, interacting was out of the question.

Flesh Construct did astonishing job at surviving - it ate up the entirety of activation of both Honeypot masters. Wow. I thought this opened up the game for McMourning to dominate the northern part of map by charging Illuminated. First attack hit and dealt respectable damage. However, next two attacks didn't pass Terrifying (10), and by then I no longer had cards in hand.

Too late I realized my mistake by disengaging Illuminated with Canine Remains - after all I had Hold Up Their Forces as one of my schemes!

Rogue Necromancy went to charge a Beckoner that was hanging around with Koji in between two strategy markers. Attacks did nothing, but Koji did a suspicious scheme marker next to Rogue Necromancy. 

Sebastian, Corpse Curator and summoned Canine Remains were holding back in the middle, unsure what to do. 

Kara had walked and charged Gravedigger, but not before she had done shenanigans to get an intel. 

Both players received strategy point, but Ten Thunders also got Hold Up Their Forces for a 2-1 lead.

Turn 3:

McMourning managed to butcher up Illuminated this turn, as well as engaging Gwyneth. He had received a couple of brilliance tokens from cheating. Gwyneth and Beckoner drained most of Resurrectionists' soulstones by attacking McMourning. Nurse patched him up as well as she could and positioned herself for Bedside Manner as I was afraid Hungering Darkness would try to take out McMourning. 

However, my fears were unfounded when Hungering Darkness went to pick up intel from Kentauroi.

Kentauroi disengaged from Hungering Darkness, and failed its Ride With Me, so I could not bring it to engage Lynch. 

However, summoned Canine Remains and Corpse Curator were able to score Ensnare for me from Lynch. Jakob tried to murder Corpse Curator, which failed. He deliriously moved away from Corpse Curators melee range, which made Hold Up Their Forces hard to accomplish this turn. Sebastian still tried by using Blood Poisoning on Jakob Lynch, even buying the trigger with a soulstone to move Canine Remains into contact with Lynch. Failed.

Koji was able to pull of Ensnare before Rogue Necromancy activated. When it did, it failed to kill Beckoner, bringing her down to one health remaining. Beckoner disengaged before Zombie Chihuahua was able to stink her dead. 

Gravedigger wasn't able to shoo the big cat away with a shovel. In response, Kara brought Gravedigger down to two health remaining.

Resurrectionists scored strategy, and both players got their Ensnare for a 3-3 tie.

Turn 4:

Hungering Darkness finally turned its attention to McMourning, and so did Beckoner and Gwyneth. The good doctor was out of soulstones now, but still alive and kicking. Nurse healed Resurrectionists master for a bit and went to engage Hungering Darkness. Canine Remains picked up intel and went to engage Gwyneth, which was finally enough for Hold Up Their Forces.

Situation looked grim, but then Kentauroi stampeded Tanuki and skewered the little crap with filthy spear. Situation was all bright and sunshines after that. 

In the middle Lynch killed Corpse Curator and Canine Remains, and even had the action points to go and sit on a strategy marker that had been moved after Sebastian picked up intel. 

Rogue Necromancy went to kill the escaping Beckoner and the Chihuahua challenged Koji. Because that's what Chihuahua's do. 

Kara turned Gravedigger into a corpse marker, and it was time to tally the points.

Resurrectionists got their second scheme, but no other points were scored this turn. It was a 4-3 lead for McMourning..

Turn 5:

It was a meticulous turn for sure. 

Gwyneth tried to kill Canine Remains that had intel, but thankfully didn't succeed. I don't remember what Hungering Darkness did, likely attacked McMourning. But that situation was locked there now, as McMourning had to stay in place to block Beckoner's way to get to Canine Remains.

Lynch and Kentauroi weren't even activated before the remainder of turn was metaplayed.

Sebastian stole intel from Koji, who in turn had to escape from two ill-placed böryokudan scheme markers. 

Rogue Necromancy picked up intel and made a gambit to kill Kara with a single strike. It did not kill Kara with a single strike. Instead, the monstrosity offered itself as a force to be held up for Ten Thunders.

Resurrectionists were able to get their third strategy point, but neither end scheme got scored. Ten Thunders also got their second strategy point, but also managed to get Hold Up Their Forces for a 5-5 draw.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Blessed Audition

 A 50ss game of Malifaux

Strategy: Standard Cloak and Dagger

Schemes: Deliver a Message, Outflank, Espionage, Power Ritual, Take Prisoner

My list:

Seamus Baker with The Whisper & Copycat Killer
Strange Lady with Grave Spirit Touch
Bete Noire
White Rabbit Co.
Dead Doxy
Bone Pile
Dead Dandy

Pool: 5
Schemes: Outflank, Espionage

Opponent had:

Rasputina & Wendigo
Snow Storm
Blessed of December with Soulstone Cache
December Acolyte
2x Silent One
Ice Dancer

Pool: 1
Schemes: Outflank, Deliver a Message (Blessed of December)

Turn 1:

Let's go from left to right. 

Dead Dandy places a scheme marker for Espionage, also bluffing Power Ritual. Since there was only a tiny bottleneck for Bone Pile and Dead Dandy to get through to strategy marker, Silent One blocked that passage with an ice pillar. Bone Pile had to use its second action to remove the thing.

Silent One was accompanied by a Hoarcat, but both were still far away from strategy markers. 

Acolyte of December was deployed on top of a building, where it took a shot at Strange Lady, damaging it a little. Strange Lady did not approve, and Obeyed the thing off the building, dealing a couple of damage points from the fall. Which was somewhat impressive, as Strange Lady was still distracted from Seamus amputating a Mourner off of her. 

Blessed of December walked and leaped to strike at Strange Lady, not doing much.

Rasputina and Wendigo blasts Bete Noire off the board before White Rabbit had the time to craft a hat. Off the board obviously meaning Fade Away in this context. Ice Dancer was there with Rasputina and her totem, dominating center. However, Mourner took up the challenge - or at least peeked in their general direction from behind some barrels. 

As my last activation Bete Noire popped up in my deployment zone and ran just past centerline, inside the building on right.

Snow Storm was feeling confident enough to take on Dead Doxy (with a hat), Copycat Killer and White Rabbit Company, which were slowly creeping towards outflank zone and a strategy marker there. Top right quadrant also hides a Silent One, somewhere, somehow.

Four ice pillars had risen up already, although one of them had been removed. 

Turn 2:

Again from left to right, Bone Pile and Hoarcat toss an informant between them, both gaining an intel point. Dead Dandy positions right behind the strategy marker after Hoarcat had tossed it back. Dandy placed a scheme marker in outflank zone.

Blessed of December is mauled pretty badly by Strange Lady and Seamus, but Silent One patches up the beast a little. Acolyte, Rasputina and Blessed of December all get fixated with attacking Strange Lady, and surely enough it takes three stones to keep her going. Not a single damage block was below two, though, so I had some luck in there. 

Mourner tries to go to interact with a strategy marker until she realizes she was a summoned model. Instead, she dropped a scheme marker touching the centerline. 

Either Rasputina or Silent One blocked Bete Noire's advance with an Ice Pillar, and after White Rabbit gave her a nice hat, she was forced to spend one action point to take a walk towards enemy deployment zone for Espionage. Then either Rasputina or Silent One blocked her advance again with an ice pillar. 

Ice Dancer, however, was able to get perfect line to get past Bete Noire and White Rabbit Company... three times, no less. This drained my hand, but I was able to keep Bete Noire fairly intact. 

Snow Storm got frustrated over my Disguised models, and went to charge White Rabbit Company instead. Future sales of haberdashery plummeted, as the duo was left with two health remaining. 

Dead Doxy went to outflank zone on right, and Copycat Killer came to wreck an ice pillar that had risen right next to Dead Doxy after she had activated. 

Both players scored strategy, but Resurrectionists got a 2-1 lead thanks to claiming Outflank.

Resurrectionists managed to maintain a healthy population of only four ice pillars with a cost of two action points.

Turn 3:

Hoarcat and Bone Pile start a duel in the outflank zone, while Dead Dandy claims an intel and goes into hiding behind a building. 

Ice Dancer provided Hoarcat with an emotional support ice pillar, and perhaps it was this turn when she healed Blessing of December instead? I forget. Anyway, Blessed of December leaps to Seamus and delivers a message to him. 

Seamus spends his entire activation delivering a heart-warming message to Blessed of December, too, and Seamus compliments Blessed's uncanny ability to play dead after he greeted the aspiring talent with bladed bouquet. He even had time to compliment an ice pillar's majestic stature with a slam action.

Bete Noire had faded away again, and popped up from Blessed of December's corpse. She and Strange Lady charged the already damaged Acolyte of December and killed him. 

Wendigo went to pick up an intel, and summoned Mourner went to take it from its cold, living hands. She even took half of the totem's health away. 

I think it was Rasputina who made Bete Noire fade away after Ice Dancer had tormented her with endless pirouettes. 

I wanted to keep the option to move Seamus right to get outflank on turn five, so White Rabbit Company took a grim, determined expression and crafted a hat for themselves. They walked within 0" of Snow Storm and poked it with needle and thread. Their bravery shall be remembered. 

Unfortunately, though, that's all that will be remembered as Snow Storm slapped them dead even through the hat. However, Copycat Killer survived at two health remaining.

My first activation had been to run Dead Doxy to enemy deployment zone. Thus, Espionage was complete. Resurrectionists also got a strategy point, while Arcanists got Deliver a Message for a 4-2 lead for Resurrectionists.

Turn 4:

Duel between Bone Pile and Hoarcat continued without much of a progress for either side. I don't actually remember what Dead Dandy did, but looks like he was busy setting up new scheme markers for Outflank end condition. 

Silent One got an intel I think, and so did Bete Noire. Noire dropped a scheme marker for Espionage end condition as well. Strange Lady that had suffered from Slow starting from turn two had attempted to Obey Bete Noire to interact, but Bete Noire takes orders from no-one. 

Seamus walks and charges Wendigo that had moved below bell tower. He strikes the totem down and walks into contact with strategy marker. 

I'm not sure what Mourner did, probably just mourned how she couldn't land a hit against Wendigo. 

Rasputina was shooting Winter Strikes against Bete Noire and Strange Lady, securing Slow for Strange Lady four turns in a row. 

After getting intel, Ice Dancer and Silent One on the right tease Dead Doxy, and she is a little bummed by their harsh words. She is slowed, so she couldn't reposition to a better place to drop a scheme marker. 

Snow Storm makes Copycat Killer go splat, thus robbing me outflank end condition. The bestial henchman still had an action point left to interact a scheme for Arcanists' own flanking maneuvers. 

Resurrectionists scored no points this turn. Arcanists finally got their Outflank, as well as second strategy point. Scores tied at 4-4. 

Turn 5:

We did not play the last turn to the very end. Silent One to the left went to place an Outflank scheme marker, and Snow Storm did the same on right, so that was Outflank end condition for Arcanists.

Ice Dancer skated nearer to remove Dead Doxy's scheme marker with Don't Mind Me, but Doxy was able to lead Ice Dancer away fir Take by the Hand. She was then able to drop a scheme marker for Espionage end condition.

Arcanists missed on Deliver a Message, while Resurrectionists didn't get their Outflank.

After collecting intel points for two turns, Resurrectionists were able to carve a 6-5 victory with a third strategy point.