Wednesday, February 5, 2025

We Own... Gahk

 A 50ss game of Malifaux on Vassal.

Strategy: Flank Stuff the Ballots

Schemes: Outflank, In Your Face, Let Them Bleed, Protected Territory, Espionage

My list:

Molly, Chaotic Conductor & Necrotic Machine
Philip & Nanny
Batsch & Amalie
Keepside Strangers with Grave Spirit Touch
2x Dapperling

Pool: 4
Schemes: Espionage, Protected Territory

Opponent had:

Youko Hamasaki & Chiyo
Bill Algren
3x Bunraku

Pool: 5
Schemes: Protected Territory, Espionage

Turn 1:

Map was extremely challenging to say the least. So much severe terrain that it would be enough for three tables worth of Malifaux. 

Anyway, I started to dismantle my deployment with Fungal models. Batsch & Amalie went to take a charge from Bill Algren. Damage block was severe, so yay for that. Waltzers were within 6" of Oskar, so Oskar was able to plant a free scheme for Espionage before walking and not managing to do anything useful. 

Dapperlings were the same, barely getting out of deployment. But at least there were two markers secured for Espionage end condition.

One Bunraku was going to bottom-right corner, where Crooligan was just concentrating around. Another Bunraku went to top-left corner, where there was... nobody at all. Free reign for the puppet.

Well, Philip and the Nanny was at top-left quarter's strategy marker. They had been trying to stay far from Hinamatsu's charge range - and succeeded at that. Molly, however, wasn't as lucky. Hinamatsu walked and charged to mutilate the parade conductor. Attack failed. 

I was a little worried about those six potential attacks coming for Molly the next turn, so I somehow thought it was a good idea to teleport Keepside Strangers to Hinamatsu and try to plant Slow on her. I did have the crows in my hand for that, but the nine wasn't high enough. 

At least Hinamatsu took Distracted +1 and a severe damage from handful of snakes... but now they were... right there. Next to Hinamatsu. Only a miracle would save them next turn.

Third Bunraku had lured Bill a little closer for his Batch-bashing, and Tanuki was following close behind. Chiyo sprinted to have her pinky toe inside my table side, and there was little I could do to that toe right now.

Youko was inside a forest  within a couple of walks to center or top-left quarter strategy marker, not quite within 6" of Keepside Strangers and Molly. 

Geisha didn't want to tear her dress like her master, so she took the long way out from forest after dropping a scheme marker for most likely some counter-espionage. 

Turn 2:

Resurrectionists got the initiative, and started with Crooligan to place a scheme marker and a vote to bottom-right box.

This left Hinamatsu all the time it needed to rip Keepside Strangers into shreds... or so I thought. While it took all the better cards in my hand to save the Strangers, they actually survived the onslaught of onslaughts. So they still had one activation going on for them. They sidekicked themselves to Necrotic Machine and started blasting Bill Algren with snakes to no effect. But, they had survived.

Next Bill tried to kill the Strangers, and brought them down to one health remaining. But all the heals in the keyword were not Forgotten, and soon enough after Necrotic Machine and Molly had activated, Keepside Strangers were still at four health remaining even after an angry Bunraku attacked from the bushes.

On the fungal side of things, a Dapperling managed to go and place two votes to center ballots before Youko walked within interact distance. Oskar kept flailing at Bill, dealing in some respectable damage that was soon healed by Tanuki. Well, at least Oskar enabled an interact for Batsch & Amalie. 

The Dancing Duo had had enough of Tanuki and tried to kill the little *hit, but took a point of poison from scheme marker they had just placed. And Beer Goggles caused the attack to miss. Damn you Tanukiiiii....!

Two remaining Bunrakus went to their respective corners. However, at the bottom there was this Crooligan, who fortunately didn't take in even a single hit. Philip & Nanny at top-left quarter voted and slowly pushed prams through burned down forest to act as a homing beacon for orphan kids.

Both players scored strategy, while neither announced any reveal parties. Scores went 1-1.

Turn 3:

... and just like that - out of a sudden - attacks stopped failing.

Keepside Strangers kicked their side to Molly, keeping outside of Hinamatsu's reach. The puppet, however, spent one action point to walk over and clawed them dead with just two strikes. And that was even when being poisoned and within 3" of Necrotic Machine.

Dapperling at the center placed a scheme marker over center line and voted, before getting clawed down to one health remaining by Bunraku. This somehow aggravated Tanuki in its drunken stupor, and the furry little beast got mayhaps its first recorded kill.

As I was planning on scoring both schemes this turn, my models weren't wasting actions on hitting Bill Algren. Instead, Oskar blasted Tanuki twice with a mushroom cloud. Once spores had settled, Tanuki was no more. 

Batsch & Amalie shot Bunraku with a mushroom cloud and went to vote at the bottom-right quarter ballots with the help of Oskar. 

Another Dapperling charged Bunraku and bloomed a scheme marker more than 3" away from Bill. 

Philip & Nanny took a walk that much further away from Bunraku at top so they could place a scheme marker for Protected Territory. Right next Crooligan jumped to Philip to remove a scheme marker from Ten Thunders deployment zone. It also dropped a marker for Espionage. 

This unfortunately gave way for Bunraku to claim bottom-right ballots box.

Necrotic Machine had a pleasing activation, when it charged Youko and injected a total of four damage points in to her, catching both Hinamatsu and Youko under neurotoxin aura before either had activated. Youko whacked Necrotic Machine with her words, but they weren't quite sharp enough to scrap the construct. In fact, a little positive reinforcement from Molly went a long way into repairing the damage those harsh words had caused.

Lastly, Ten Thunders had no cards in hand in the end phase, so Necrotic Machine punched Bunraku for fun and profit. Gone was the puppet.

Both players scored strategy. I revealed both schemes, but Ten Thunders only got their Protected Territory. So it was 4-3 lead for Molly.

Turn 4:

Going from bottom to top, Bunraku placed a scheme marker on the centerline. 

Batsch & Amalie placed a scheme marker for Protected Territory end condition, and Crooligan continued spying in the enemy deployment zone. 

Bill and Oskar were locked in a deadly duel, not really contributing to victory points any longer. 

Dapperling managed to bloom Chiyo's scheme marker away from my deployment. 

At the center ballots Geisha lured Youko away from melee, and Qi and Gong master spent all of her action points to empty the box.

Necrotic Machine and Molly had managed to bring Youko down to two health remaining, with one Poison spilling over for turn five. Hinamatsu somehow managed to either miss all its attacks, or damage got blocked with soulstone, or Black Joker came up on damage flip.

Because Philip & Nanny didn't know what Bunraku would do, they dropped two votes to top-left ballots and pursuited towards top-left corner. Bunraku was just within range to Risky Maneuver and walk itself to my deployment zone and drop a scheme.

Neither player scored strategy, but Ten Thunders did get their Espionage. Scores went 4-4.

Turn 5:

Molly pushed Philip & Nanny towards top-left corner and gave them an interact afterwards. With hindsight it would have been much better to use that one on Necrotic Machine to place a vote to center box, but that's hindsight for ya.

With her last action Molly tried to finish off Youko, but dealt only a single point of damage. 

Necrotic Machine wasn't able to get an attack in. It disengaged from Hinamatsu, used Strange Behavior and walk to engage Youko. I can only wonder why on earth  didn't interact with the ballots instead. Oh well.

Neither player was able to do much to deny scheme end conditions for the other, but Resurrectionists managed to get the lead with votes. Until Youko activated. She disengaged and got within 10" of Crooligan that had placed a vote to bottom-left quarter strategy marker. Riddles landed without a sweat, and getting past target number of We Own You.

Just before Youko succumbed to poison, she commanded Crooligan to place a vote to the box, ending the game in a 6-6 draw.

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