A 50ss game of Malifaux.
Strategy: Flank Raid the Vaults
Schemes: Take Prisoner, Ensnare, Outflank, Deliver a Message, Sweating Bullets
My list:
Ensouled Jack Daw & Lady Ligeia
Yannic Waller
Midnight Stalker
The Ferryman
Crooked Man
Dead Outlaw
Pool: 6
Schemes: Ensnare, Deliver a Message (Midnight Stalker)
Opponent had:
Rasputina & Wendigo
Snow Storm
Blessed of December
December Acolyte
Silent One with Magical Training
Silent One
Pool: 4
Schemes: Ensnare, Take Prisoner (Dead Outlaw)
Jack Daw absolutely failed each of his attacks, though, so there was some degree of worry about his well-being. At least there was more than a decent set-up for Draw Them In next turn.
Montresor and Jack Daw were relatively early activations - which only meant that they were slowed and staggered the next turn. Joining in on the slow/staggered team were Crooked Man and Dead Outlaw, plus Lady Ligeia was cheering them up by just being slow.
Most of that was Rasputina's doing, although models such as Snow Storm and Silent Ones certainly helped.
Staggered was annoying especially on Crooked Man, as I kept trying to figure out how to move the guy outside of his activation - only to realize that yeah, not going to happen because of Staggered. So Crooked Man just wobbled forward with its mighty Mv of 2, doing nothing else.
Eventually Blessed of December leaped from its deployment position to the right to herd Dead Outlaw to a nice little blast zone with Lady Ligeia and Montresor.
Yannic Waller had smashed one ice pillar and went behind the hull of a ship to hide from Acolyte of December.
Midnight Stalker started to climb up on a building to perhaps contest center-right marker next turn.
Ferryman went to contest the strategy marker on bottom-right quarter, and those were the most meaningful parts of the turn from my perspective.
Turn 2:
Arcanists won initiative. Rasputina did horrible things on her turn. Some of which were already hinted in the description of turn one. Slow and staggered, everywhere!
I must have forgotten to take a picture on turn two, though, because sure as hell I didn't take down Snow Storm on turn two.
Instead, Jack Daw did Draw Them In twice. Damage done wasn't all that impressive for a full master activation, but it did have a heavy toll on opponent's hand that, I heard later, had five severes.
Early on Blessed of December leaped to put a dent on Dead Outlaw. And after a blast from Rasputina and a couple of damage from Blessed of December last turn, moderate damage (with negative modifiers) was all that it took to take down Dead Outlaw before it had the time to activate.
Bummer? Sure. However, I did not know Dead Outlaw was opponent's Take Prisoner target. Whoops.
Montresor spent his entire activation to get as many models within his stagger aura, and Crooked Man interacted a scheme within 3" of Blessed of December. He also put up his Mining Law aura, getting two markers required for Ensnare next turn. Shame, that Blessed of December had Deadly Pursuit.
Since I had such secure position on the center-left marker, Ferryman felt confident enough to miss its attacks against Silent One that had Magical Training upgrade.
Likely there was some more nuance to this turn, but I got not picture. My memory ain't what it used to be.
However, Midnight Stalker leaped, walked and delivered a message to Rasputina.
Both players scored strategy, with Midnight Stalker giving Outcasts 2-1 lead.
Turn 3:
Arcanists got the initiative again, and Rasputina did a bad, bad thing. This time around I think it was Montresor, Midnight Stalker and Jack Daw that got the cold shoulder - and most Jack's damage with Draw Them In was negated with Freeze Over. Oh well.At least Jack Daw was able to land hazardous terrain on Snow Storm before bursting away with speed and pushing Montresor a little closer with bonus action. Snow Storm wouldn't have any of that aura, and walked a tad away to blast with Ice Tornado. Talk about Anger Issues. The upgrade, I mean. That didn't go away because models were damaged. However, staggered expired.
Montresor was able to toss a noose around Snowstorm's head and pull it back within Hanging Ropes aura.
I had not realized how much I had damaged Snow Storm already. When Midnight Stalker leaped to it and half-heartedly poked it with a knife, the thing just died, though opponent tried to save it by spending a soulstone. Go figure? Stalker was then able to charge Wendigo that had two health remaining, but botched that attack.
Throughout this entire winter storm laced with tormented vengeance spirit, Yannic Waller tried to come and arrange a little democratic elections, and yeah, that went just about as you might expect, given the circumstances. Acolyte even kept shooting harpoons at her before repositioning to control strategy marker in top-left quarter.
Yannic had consolidated power of Crooked Man now that it was no longer staggered. Idea was to place a scheme marker with trigger, which succeeded. However, Blessed of December activated right next and deleted Crooked Man from the board with a Red Joker on damage flip. That... that guy just spent two turns to advance a total of 2" and place two scheme markers. Three, if you count Yannic's contribution.
Anyway, Blessed was now free to go and claim the vault that was worth two points for Arcanists.
Sightless Snow and Ceddra removed Lady Ligeia after she had tried to yell for a bit.
Ferryman had managed to land no-heal on Snow Storm, before it failed an attack against Silent One. Ashamed, Ferryman backed to control strategy marker on bottom-right quarter.
Both players scored strategy for a 3-2 lead for Outcasts.
Turn 4:
Everybody died. GG.Okay, well, more specifically Wendigo died to three attacks from Midnight Stalker before the enforcer leaped to strategy marker worth two points for Outcasts.Jack Daw, no longer slowed, was able to go and place scheme markers to ensnare Ceddra or Sightless Snow or whoever it was at the time. The beast attacked Montresor, who ticked down to zero health remaining. I pondered if I should just leave the henchman for dead, as there were scheme markers close enough to score Ensnare. In the ended I decided not to, and that was when opponent revealed Ensnare.
At least Montresor succeeded in killing the Silent One without upgrade.
Rasputina and perhaps even Acolyte - I forget the details - had killed Yannic Waller after she finally managed to arrange democratic elections. I hope that's not, like, foreshadowing whatever the hell is happening in the world right now. But I royally digress.
Ferryman charged Silent One with the upgrade, missing again. This time it backed down to strategy marker.
So, both players scored strategy and Ensnare for a 5-4 lead for Outcasts.
Turn 5:
Last turn had enough variables to warrant for a play. Montresor managed to toss noose over Sightless Ceddra before dying without triggering Eternal. Idea was to deny Ensnare end condition from the Arcanists after they had spammed scheme markers all over the center area.
Rasputina moved away from Outcast scheme markers so as not to be within 2" of a marker at least.
Leaping, Fast Midnight Stalker rectified that.
In the end, Jack Daw was able to place a scheme marker so that Sightless Ceddra would trigger Ensnare end condition for Outcasts, but that just meant that he himself was Ensnared.
Rasputina had enough models to score strategy. Both players scored Ensnare, but Outcasts got to deliver their message for a 7-6 victory.
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