Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Guess Who Just Got a Promotion

 A 50 point game of Warmachine over War Table.

My list:

Oriax the soul Slaver
Assault Reavers & Standard
Halexus the Warlord

Opponent had:

Khador Winter Korps
-Great Bear with Slam, Heavy Cannon and Blasting Fist
-2x Dire Wolves with Evasive, Ice Hammer and Scrap Saw
Shock Trooper Gunners
Winter Korps Infantry, 2x Auto Cannon, Standard
Winter Korps Infantry, 2x Rocketeer

For once my army was not hopelessly outnumbered. It was only outnumbered in all fronts. Khador had three heavies versus my two, and three infantry units versus my three. Oh, wait, I had one solo while Khador had zero. 

And what a solo that was.

Khador started. Zahara and both Dire Wolves claimed top-left rectangular zone, while Great Bear, rocketeer unit and Shock Troopers were pushing through a bottleneck in the middle. Autocannon unit was skulking near enemy flag, threatening my rectangular zone with at least contesting.

Halexus claimed my flag, and Assault Reavers were taking cover in craters partly inside the center circular zone. Molok got Inviolable Resolve, and Oriax hid behind the character warjack. Ravener hid in forest, going to score my rectangular zone.

Khador just kept advancing, Zahara and Wolves protected by the forest at left. Oriax had cast Windstorm, so Khador's ranged targets were somewhat limited. Still, the Rocketeer unit lunged forward and started shooting Assault Reavers in craters. They actually killed two of them with direct hits. 

Great Bear went contesting circular zone, with Shock Trooper Gunners backing it up. Autocannons went somewhere in between circular zone and my rectangular zone without contesting either. However, they were in a rather well defended spot.

Ravener had easy time collecting points from my rectangular zone. But then I had a decision to make. Should Halexus keep the flag, or go on a rampage?

Why, rampage of course! You don't win games by earning points, now, do you? And surely enough Halexus got his prime target - closely packed infantry formation. He absolutely massacred those, and still had three souls after he was done. Whoa. He was also contesting Khadoran rectangular zone.

Unfortunately I had called Gnashers from ambush. To at least do something with those, they just went to engage Zahara and a Dire Wolf, so opponent might have some trouble clearing the zone entirely.

Assault Reavers picked Shock Trooper Gunners as their next prey, but they managed to kill only two of them. 

Oriax used feat and loaded up Ravener and Molok. He also cast Star Crossed, which was completely forgotten about. Oh well... At least Molok set itself on fire and killed two khadoran infantrymen.

Gnashers... were just removed. It only took Zahara and Dire Wolf to do that, so one Dire Wolf was free to kill Halexus. It looked all but inevitable when first attack critically froze Halexus. And yet, after Khador passed turn, Halexus was still standing. Those damage rolls were absurd.

Great Bear and last remaining Shock Trooper Gunner only removed three Assault Reavers. Those guys were really pushing their luck. My objective, however, did not do so well after autocannons destroyed it. So, points went even.

Orgoth reprisal was brutal. Those souls really make things happen. Ravener gobbled up three souls, and Oriax made himself incorporeal and charged last remaining contestant from my rectangular zone. Halexus was thawing, while Assault Reaver killed lone Gunner still on the center zone. And Molok, well, that beast tear Great Bear to pieces in just one activation. And because Halexus was still contesting enemy rectangular zone, Orgoth received two point lead.

So, Khador started their fourth turn. Dire Wolf proceeded finally to smash Halexus off the board... and still did not do that. However, that was because of Tough roll. Zahara used enough velocity to lend her axe to Halexus' cerebellum, and the pesky solo was finally over.

Another Dire Wolf had to go to engage center zone and try to wreck Molok with some amazing rolls. While damage was okay, it did not break any systems. Orgoth remained leading by two points.

Next, however, Orgoth did a daring operation. Molok used Break Through and walked away from melee with Dire Wolf, engaging  enemy rectangular zone. So, it had to destroy Wolf and contest for me to win game this turn.

However, four strength 19 attacks just were not enough to remove a Khadoran heavy even if that heavy was the slightly lighter variant.

Last Assault Reaver activated and decided to lob his harpoon at the heavy that had lost it's movement. It was engaged in melee and had concealment. Essentially Rat 5 vs Def 11. It was a hit, and double sixes came up as the damage roll. That was more than enough to score center zone. Oriax went to enemy flag, while Ravener stayed in my rectangular zone for a 5 point difference for Orgoth. 

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