Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Oriax vs Ilari

 A 50 point game of Warmachine over War Table website.

My list:

Orgoth Sea Raiders
Oriax the Soul Slaver
-Jackal with Arc Node, Hunter Rifle and Pneumatic Spike
-Jackal with Arc Node, Pole Arm and Assault Shield
Assault Reavers
Grhotten Keeper

Opponent had:

Khador Winter Korps
-Dire Wolf with Evasive, Bombard and Plow Shield
-Great Bear with Reposition, Heavy Cannon and Blasting Fist
Shock Trooper Gunners
Winter Korps Infantry with 2x Auto Cannon & Standard
Winter Korps Infantry with 2x Rocket Launcher & Standard
2x Battle Mechanik

Scenario was Wolves at our heels.

Khador started game. They had autocannon Korps at the left objective, another going towards their cache and my 40mm objective. Warjacks and warjacks were lumbering through a forest next to Khador deployment, just about in the middle. Shock Trooper Gunners were sitting behind forest. 

Orgoth had low model count from the get go. Most numerous Assault Reavers were holding my 40mm objective - a choice I'd later regret.

Oriax kept went into hiding behind a house with Windstorm up. Shielded Jackal variant had a lot on its shoulders - it was the only non-warcaster model from Orgoth going towards center-right. Another Jackal, Ravener and Grhotten Keeper were diving past the building from left. Gnashers were hugging for concealment and cover in Tall Grass far-left.

Windstorm covered Orgoth forces rather nicely, but most Assault Reavers were outside of it. This gave an oppoerunity for Rocket Launcher Korps to snipe the unit. Three out of five, gone. 

Great Bear was able to dent shielded Jackal a little, but other than that there was no damage done. Dire Wolf went to contest both 50mm objectives with Great Bear behind a crater in the middle. Mechaniks and Shock Troopers were there as overseen by Ilari in the bushes. 

Auto Cannon Korps were happy just controlling their 40mm objective. 

It was time for Oriax to change into Star Crossed. 

Since Assault Reavers had made such a poor job at thinning down the Rocket Launcher Korps, Oriax tried to offer his help by taking at least one of them down with Icy Grip.

Grhotten Keeper and Ravener had to advance to contest one of center objectives. Ravener had gone within easy walking distance of Dire Wolf. I was more afraid of the thing than I should have, as its melee capabilities weren't that big of a deal. 

Rifle Jackal managed to shoot down one Mechanik, and Gnashers continued to find their way towards enemy 40mm marker.

My foresight had been way off, as Dire Wolf attempted to slam Oriax. While the Wolf had Superiority cast on it, hitting a Def 15 target behind an obstacle under Star Crossed wasn't easy. In fact, it failed. 

Unfortunately Rocket Launcher Korps were able to remove last two Assault Reavers, thus claiming my objective for themselves in the coming turns. 

Great Bear tried to take a shot at Oriax, although that shot was essentially impossible. 

While Gnashers had concealment, Auto Cannon Korps had aiming bonus. They managed to fell two of the berserkers, and Ilari came to snipe off the last one. Yay. I only had Oriax to control 40mm objectives now.

Jackal that had gone to contest center-right objective had to relocate to beat Rocket Launcher Korps. 

Oriax removed Superiority with Hex Blast and cast Star Crossed. Ravener walked to block LoS to Oriax as well as it could, and then wrecked Dire Wolf, even having focus to spare after that. 

Grhotten Keeper was able to run to contest opponent's 40mm marker, so at least Wolves at the Heels extra points were thus denied. Rifle Jackal failed to kill contesting Battle Mechanic from center-left objective, leaving Orgoth a point behind on scenario.

Great Bear attempter to slam rifle Jackal away from center-left objective, but again Star Crossed ruined the slam. 

Last remaining Rocket Launcher Korps ran to control my 40mm objective, after which Shock Trooper Gunners made their lethal debut in the battle. After six barrels, shielded Jackal was no more. 

Grhotten was far tougher nut to crack. Even after a 6,6 damage roll and a sniper shot from Ilari the thing was still contesting enemy objective, although with only five health remaining. 

Orgoth were struggling, as in scenario Khador had two points over Orgoth.

Oriax was able to kill the two Rocket Launcher Korps with a Hex Blast. However, Jackal and Ravener were not able to wreck Great Bear, which essentially dropped Orgoth out of the game.

Khador was able to secure three points next turn, so all I could attempt was a lucky shot against Ilari. Ilari was essentially Def 18, Arm 19 and sixteen health target for a meager Rat 5, Pow 13 Hunter Rifle meaning Jackal would need astronomical rolls to kill Ilari.

The shot barely hit - but it did hit. With critical brutal damage. And damage roll was, in fact, stellar! But, it was not astronomical. Ilari was left with four health remaining, and Orgoth lost to scenario.

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