Tuesday, March 28, 2023

My threat assessment ain't working no more

 A 50 point game of Warmachine.

My list:

Orgoth Sea Raiders
Kishtaar with Death March and Hex Blast
-Tyrant with Relentless Charge, Harpoon and Ripper
-Jackal with Arc Node, Flamethrower and Assault Shield
Ulkor Barragers
Assault Reavers with Standard
Strike Reavers
Reaver Commander

Opponent had:
Cygnar Storm Legion
Major Anson Wolfe with uh, spells

- 2x Coursers with Dodge, Voltaic Spear and Electrified Shield
- Stryker with Relentless Charge, Voltaic Halberd and Stormblazer Cannon
2x Stormguard Legionnaires

Scenario was a Mk4 steamroller scenario.

Opponent advanced with a unit and a solo on both flanks, and battlegroup in the middle as is optimal in this scenario. 

We had a sprawling fog bank in the middle that slowly dissipated as time went on.

I had Strike Reavers and Commander on left against Anson's Eiryss and Stormguard. On right I got standardized Assault Reavers with Ulkors nearby wondering what to do. 

Tyrant ran behind objective, and Jackal ran so that Kishtaar was able to cast Death March on Assault Reavers.

I had played eyeless sight on Strike Reavers to get Eiryss, but even with a re-roll 11 was a stretch. Stealth went on Assault Reavers.

Second turn opponent had pathfinder card at their disposal, which resulted in a Stormguard unit charging Assault Reavers. Three Reavers died. 

Eiryss shoots one Strike Reaver, and that was it for the casualties that turn. Cygnaran warjacks advanced cautiously behind fog.

But one of the fog templates got removed on my turn, Kishtaar walked to have her toe in center zone and used feat. And damn was that feat brutal with Tyrant. Entire Courser was dismantled in one activation.

Assault Reavers killed a bunch of Stormguard, and Jackal came to spray what was left of them. But even with feat only one target out of two died.

Strike Reavers managed to shoot one Stormguard on the left, but were at least protected by Set Defense. Ulkors were just picking their nose and doing armpit noises because fog was blocking line of sight to anything useful.

But yeah, Malifaux is definitely having and effect on my Warmachine play. I mean, the distance between Kishtaar and Stryker looked great enough not to worry. But with Energizer it was easy 11". After Eiryss shot Kishtaar's focus points away and dealt seven boxes of damage on top of it, it was only a matter of Stryker hitting Kishtaar.

And it did.

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