Monday, January 4, 2021

Most Annoying Dog of All Ages

 Had a game of Malifaux over the Vassal platform. It was a 50 soul stone game, strategy Turf War and Wedge deployment. Scheme Pool: Claim Jump, Deliver a Message, Breakthrough, Vendetta, Outflank

My list was:

Hamelin & 3x Stolen
Nix (Claim Jump)
Benny Wolcomb
Hans with Servant of the Dark Powers
Rat Catcher
Rat King
Winged Plague
Malifaux Rat

Pool: 5
Schemes: Claim Jump, Outflank

Opponent had:

Jakob Lynch & Hungering Darkness
Kitty Dumont
Mr. Tannen
Mr. Graves
2x Illuminated
2x Depleted 

Pool: 2
Schemes: Breakthrough, Claim Jump

Turn 1:

Things started heating up right from the very first turn. Heralding Hans took all but one hit point off from Mr. Tannen far, far away. And it wasn't even severe damage (but double critical moderate.)

Mr. Graves on the other hand got to charge Hamelin as made possible by Kitty Dumont. 

Nix went to become an annoying nuisance to mid-field. Both players interacted two turf markers for them. Benny Wolcomb fails to make three more rats as I had already burnt through my applicable cards.

Turn 2:

Hans takes another shot at Mr. Tannen, killing him. This forced Tanuki to go and re-interact turf marker on the lower right back to Ten Thunders. A Rat Catcher accompanied Hans on the right side of the map, and he was just out of scoring a point from Outflank. Because of this I didn't even bring Winged Plague to outflank left.

A heck of a brawl turned loose in the middle, when Nix was joined by Rat King to contest the middle, and Hungering Darkness was reinforced with two Illuminated. 

Nix endured, and then Nix endured, and then Nix endured even more. The dog probably ate some Duracell batteries before it was transformed into an undead wraith by the eldritch energies of the underworld.

Illuminated were rather unremovable, too, and I didn't even bother with trying to attack Hungering Darkness.

Jakob Lynch and Depleted gave some damage to Hamelin, who was sitting at six hit points remaining right on the second turn. Good thing he still had 15 of them in the form of Stolen. Most of the damage came through Mr. Graves, however, who went down with three blows from the Black Staff. 

Benny Wolcomb is out of cards once more, but succeeds to summon three rats on his second action. Those were some costly rats. Both players score one point from strategy.

Turn 3:

Hans takes a shot at the comic relief that is Tanuki, and manages to shoot off five sixths of its health. Tanuki on the other hand savagely tears apart Malifaux Rat.

Melee in the middle is a farce. No-one manages to do anything, except getting loads of frustration from trying to kill Nix. More serious casualty was the loss of a Stolen through scintillating cloud.

Benny makes one more rat, who eventually form into another Rat King. 

Although eight models were removed one way or another, none of them were significant. Finally, however, Outcasts get to score Outflank.

Turn 4:

Opponent wins initiative with his seven pass tokens. Chances were he'd win even with a black joker. Because of this, Nix finally succumbs. But really. What a nightmare model to deal with. It caused opponent to spend at least 12 action points into directly trying to remove it, and on top of those is the way Nix dictated the game flow. Perhaps it was a mistake to slap Claim Jump on a model like Nix, as it's the most obvious choice for it but damn is he not good at staying!

Then Hans kills Tanuki, essentially gaining his points back.

Rat King in the middle survives either an Illuminated or Kitty Dumont with a cheated red joker, and is then used to summon a Rat Catcher. 

Another Stolen dies to a scintillating cloud, and then Lynch and Hungering Darkness try to remove Hamelin who is now at one hit point remaining. But the one Stolen survives attack by Hungering Darkness, so Hamelin has a safeguard against death for now.

Rat Catcher on the right takes a dive into enemy territory, wanting to interact with enemy turf. 

Summoned Rat King just hangs around near Outcast top-left turf, just in case.

Turn 5:

We did not play turn 5 in its entirety. Once it became apparent that opponent wouldn't be able to counteract my turfs and my outflank, we stopped. But still, the game was rather starved of victory points with scores being 4-2 for Outcasts.

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