Friday, October 5, 2018

Wolves, wolves everywhere

Also about a week ago I played this 75 point game of Warmachine/Hordes.

As I had finally managed to finish painting Venator Dakar, it was time to play a little bit of Skorne. I know there's a tournament coming up a month from now, and perhaps I'll try my luck with Skorne there before going back to Cryx.

But my list was:

[Theme] Winds of Death
Dominar Rasheth [+28]
- Agonizer [6]
- Basilisk Krea [7]
- Cyclops Shaman [8]
- Rhinodon [12]
- Titan Sentry [15]
- Aptimus Marketh [0(5)]
Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter [6]
Mortitheurge Willbreaker [0(4)]
Venator Dakar [4]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew [2]
Venator Flayer Cannon Crew [5]
Venator Reivers (max) [15]
- Venator Reiver Officer & Standard [4]
Venator Slingers (max) [13]

Opponent had:

[Theme] Call of the Wild
Wurmwood, Tree of Fate [+27]
- Gorax Rager [7]
- Pureblood Warpwolf [17]
- Pureblood Warpwolf [17]
- Warpwolf Stalker [19]
- Warpwolf Stalker [19]
- Wild Argus [7]
Blackclad Wayfarer [0(4)]
Blackclad Wayfarer [0(4)]
Gallows Grove [2]
Gremlin Swarm [3]
Farrow Bone Grinders (max) [8]
Shifting Stones [0(3)]
Shifting Stones [3]

And what an oppressive game it was.

While Rasheth was a fairly good warlock against Cassius, Winds of Death wasn't the best theme here. I was afraid of moving forward with my ranged units as Hellmouth would just annihilate them, and this meant that Circle was able to have all the warbeast out of the range of my weapons. And when Circle did move forward, it did so under Wurmwood's feat, so again I was not able to shoot anywhere.

At least ambushing Hutchuck was able to down one Warpwolf Stalker. Rasheth cast Blood Mark on it via Venator Dakar, and then everything that I could muster to attack warpwolf did so. Hilariously enough they were not able to kill it. It was left alive with one hit box remaining, plus corrosion continuous effect. For once corrosion did not go off at the worst possible moment, and the Warpwolf died at the start of opponent's turn. Phew.

Then a Pureblood assaulted to destroy objective and deal some extra damage with assault spray. In retaliation I was able to kill it with excessive amount of toil and trouble.

Two wolves down, and yet there were still Warpwolves beneath every rock and behind every tree. Will they never end?

Opponent saw a somewhat good chance to assassinate Rasheth, and proceeded with that plan in mind. I don't quite remember what happened except that a critical Hellmouth was missed by the power of triple 1's.

And this left Wurmwood in a less than ideal position to survive Skorne turn.


I did not feel like I should have won. Though attrition-wise had fared decently, opponent had already, what, a three control point lead in scenario, or something.

Also I felt that I had played terribly. Except that looking back it was a difficult match for my list.

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