Sunday, March 11, 2018

Boneyard, continued

So, another session of 4-player Kingdom Death.

Year 4 was a sorry fight against the enthusiastic and playful Young Lion via Candice challenge scenario.

It's just...

I feel sorry for that lion. Whole fight it was sitting in the middle of nest of spiderlings, stuck in this gooey substance, begging for mercy.

Yeah, it had attempted to make a clever trap for survivors, but somehow got entangled itself. It managed to spring it's trap, but only to jump one meager space, before bogging down again. Or maybe it just wanted to play. Or maybe it was scared, because it didn't attack all that much, thanks to Ground Fighting.

Young Lion was so sluggish in it's movements that every survivor had time to dig into the nest and spawn some spiderlings, which they could cut up at leisure. Survivors did find someone buried in the webs. Perhaps for too long, as we were about to find out. But for now, Maldorox was saved.

Settlement event is Weird Dream. The story has to tell about your child, perpetual farting and realizing that you are the child. Burk saw a most wondrous dream about a gassy crater filled with unborn babies, one of which he was himself. Storytelling was astonishing, and gave us four endeavors for a total of seven.

Settlement received Lantern Oven and innovated Bloodletting. Finally settlement saw some real intimacy (A paradox? Sadly, not on this day and age, I suppose) and Maldorox and Jessie received twins, Mal-Mal and Samuel. We chose the Spartan way, Survival of the Fittest.

This year also triggered Hooded Knight. She was so triggered that she forced Twilight Sword to Burk. So, this particular homicidal maniac with disturbing subconsciousness is now to become the undisputed hero figure of Boneyard. Unsettling to say at least.

Year 5 hunt was Screaming Antelope, which goes down easily enough.

And the loot-bag nature of the Antelope showed itself. In total we received 7 Antelope resources, one vermin and four basic resources. On top of this Armored Strangers toss extra six resources.

Settlement event was Haunted, and Maldorox was convinced that there were spiders absolutely everywhere. Everyone was so annoyed from his paranoia that he was cast out from the settlement.

We also decided to include Flower Knight expansion, so we did the story event. Sleeping Virus Flower was given to Candice.

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