Friday, February 16, 2018

Master Necrotech Mortenebra vs Butcher Unleashed

This 75 point game was played a few days ago. I forgot to bring camera with me. I tried to take some pictures with my phone, but the photo quality is terrible beyond extreme so I won't litter this blog entry with those. Because of this it's probably difficult to make any sense out of these writings. Oh well.

[Theme] Infernal Machines
Master Necrotech Mortenebra
- Corruptor
- Defiler
- Desecrator
- Inflictor
- Nightwretch
Machine Wraith
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor
Pistol Wraith
Warwitch Siren
Bile Thralls (max)
Mechanithralls (max)
- Brute Thrall (2)
Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls

[Theme] Legion of Steel
Kommander Zoktavir, The Butcher Unleashed
- Devastator
- 2x Kodiak
- War Dog [3]
Iron Fang Kovnik
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor
Battle Mechaniks (min)
2x Iron Fang Pikemen (max) +Iron Fang Pikemen Officer & Standard
Iron Fang Uhlans (min)

Scenario was Recon II and Cryx started.

A single Desecrator made good job at stalling the Ironfang Pikemen flank. Nightwretch and Corruptor were also whittling that huge swathe of infantry, but there were over twenty models there. I was surprised that I actually managed to destroy one of the units.

Pistol Wraith failed to freeze an Iron Fang Uhlan that were in triangular formation in base contact. Shame. I would have stopped the entire unit in it's tracks. Since the Wraith failed, I had to bring the Mechanithrall unit from ambush to Uhlan flank. So that the cavalry would have something to do, instead of free reign over left side of the board.

But these were kind of inconsequential matters. What mattered was Devastator and Kodiak and Butcher3 in the middle. Inflictor tried to wreck Kodiak, and succeeded to take out both arm systems. Still, far from dead it was.

And then Devastator head-butted Inflictor, and Butcher charged the heavy warjack dead. Khadoran warcaster used feat to get some focus for mitigating damage. The other Iron Fang unit moved in, and along with the warjacks and warcasters and war dogs and war arguses made for quite an impenetrable fortress.

I couldn't figure any other course of action than to kill Butcher. My plan was to use Mortenebra's feat, cast Spectral Steel on Desecrator and move the warjack with Overrun. Then Bile Thralls and Deryliss and possibly even Necrosurgeon would wreck Kodiak that was standing in Desecrator's way. After Kodiak was removed, Pistol Wraith would shoot Butcher stationary, and Desecrator would go and get four automatically hitting P+S 17 attacks with re-rolls against Butcher, that had taken a few points of damage from Doom Spiral and Bile Thrall Purge attacks.

Pistol Wraith was the first one to fail. Bile Thralls made good job at destroying Kodiak, but even with re-rolls Pistol Wraith wasn't able to hit Butcher twice.

Desecrator was easily within walking distance of opposing warcaster, but instead of automatic hits, Butcher was Def 16 thanks to war dog.

Even if Butcher had been stationary, assassination wouldn't have been a certain one. Now I needed such numbers on all of the dice that even Mortenebra's feat wasn't able to swing averages that far up.

Then I had my warcaster with no focus and no intervening friendly models between Mortenebra and Devastator plus Butcher. Game over.

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