Alrighty, it's starting to be almost two weeks from these games, so I better hurry them up here. Though I'm not sure if one can speak about hurrying, then.
Anyway, they were two 50 point games of Warmachine against Trollbloods.
First game was:
Wraith Witch Deneghra [+28]
- Deathripper [6]
- Erebus [16]
- Nightwretch [7]
- Skarlock Thrall [4]
Bloat Thrall [4]
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist [4]Pistol Wraith [5]
Satyxis Raider Captain [4]
Saxon Orrik [4]
Soul Trapper [1]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
- Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [3]
Captain Gunnbjorn [+28]
- Dire Troll Blitzer [16]
- Slag Troll [10]
- Troll Impaler [11]
Braylen Wanderheart, Trollkin Outlaw [5]
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (min) [6]
Scattergunners (max) [14]
Trollkin Highwaymen (max) [15]
I did my best to remove Krielstone unit early on, and I succeeded. Though it cost Warwitch Siren and pretty much a Deathripper, at least for arc-noding purposes.
Satyxis Raiders and Highwaymen spent a few turns looking menacingly at each other, neither doing much else.
When sluggers entered middle zone to contest it a bit, Satyxis charged onwards and pretty much decimated the unit. Deneghra did have her feat going on that turn, too. I decided to try how Overtake option from Sea Witch would turn out, and all it did was that I could move one model so that it engaged another. For my benefit, I mean. Kind of feels like a non-option.
It was a swingy game, as after Deneghra's turn there were so few trollbloods left that it looked like a clear game to me. But then, after trollblood turn I started to think I was horrendously losing the attrition game.
But I had been able to snatch scenario points here and there. When I was one point off from victory, I was outnumbered almost three to one, I decided I had to take the zone on the right, no matter the cost. Fortunately there was only Slag Troll denying me that point, but Dire Troll was engaging both Deathripper and Erebus.
Deathripper tried to bite the troll really hard to cripple any of the important branches, but failed to do so.
Erebus walked to attack Slag Troll, but this provoked a free strike from dire troll. All weapons systems from Erebus went down. He did manage to freeze the Slag Troll though, and was rolling better damage with one die than with two dice. But this was not enough.
But then I noticed Deneghra was within charge range of the light warbeast. Problem solved at the last possible moment.
Game 2:
Lord Exhumator Scaverous [+27]
- Deathripper [6]
- Inflictor [13]
- Ripjaw [7]
Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius [4]
- Reaper [13]
Scrap Thralls [2]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Cephalyx Overlords [8]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
- Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [3]
Opponent had a list something like this, but I can't figure out last remaining four points. Maybe opponent forgot to deploy something? Anyway, the list:
Grim Angus [+29]
- Dire Troll Blitzer [16]
- Dire Troll Mauler [15]
- Swamp Troll [8]
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (min) [6]Pyg Bushwhackers (max) [15]
- Pyg Bushwhacker Officer & Mortar [5]
Trollkin Sluggers (max) [10]
This game went really fast, as Satyxis Raiders ran to engage Bushwhackers. Opponent was hesitant to commit ranged models to contest scenario zones, and underestimated threat of Scrap Thralls to objective marker. Well, Scaverous did sacrifice a whole lot of focus points in casting Feast of Worms to ease their job. Sooner than I realized Cryx had accumulated enough control points for a scenario victory.
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