A 50ss game of Malifaux on Vassal.
Strategy: Flank Break the Line
Schemes: Death Beds, Assassinate, Detonate Charges, Hidden Martyrs, Catch and Release
My list:
Piper Hamelin & 3x Stolen
Benny Wolcomb
Tunnel Rats
Malifaux Child
Rat King
Winged Plague
Malifaux Rat
Pool: 5
Schemes: Detonate Charges, Hidden Martyrs
Opponent had:
Lucas McCabe, Relic Hunter & Luna
Sidir Alchibal
Desper LaRaux
2x Rough Rider
2x Ruffian
Pool: 4
Schemes: Detonate Charges, Hidden Martyrs (Tanuki & Rough Rider, the one below)
Turn 1:
Nix started by planting a scheme marker for a new Rat King. He went hiding behind a wall.
Opponent started shuffling about, slowly claiming both markers in the middle. Whenever wastrels had action points yo spare, they took small shots at Nix. And damage kept piling in, leaving me worried fur the pup's safety.Before Sidir had activated, Hamelin took his shot. He stunned Sidir and made Malifaux Child interact a scheme for Benny. Last action went to move away from easy range of Machine Gun.
However, Lucas dug up a Timeworn Blade for Sidir, took a couple of walks and rode Sidir closer to Nix, again.
Sacrifices needed to be made, so Fumigator walked and charged to engage Sidir. Sidir dodged, disengaged and began to shoot. After all attacks targeted against Nix, the dog was still at four health remaining. But it had cost me three soulstones.
Stolen grind out activations from Ten Thunders. I realized I had spent all of my 8+ cards when protecting Nix, so Benny didn't have a guaranteed Rat King coming up. Fumigator that had been supposed to plant at least one scheme to the rat bomb had had to relocate.
To boost Benny's chances of getting an 8+ straight out of deck, Malifaux Child backtracked to place a fourth scheme marker. Thus, Benny was able to get Fast. After all enemy models had activated, Benny began to activate Loyal Rats with Tiny Hats. First one failed, second one failed and third one...
Great job, Benny.
Rat King had walked and charged Ruffian who was hugging center-left strategy marker without much of an effect. Looking back now, that turn was a hideous mess. The only good things were stunning Sidir and Tunnel Rats going to toss a strategy marker to enemy side.
Turn 2:
Tunnel Rats continued their success story by using Secret Passage to get to strategy marker and toss it out of Rough Rider's reach. They also planted some minefields to discourage trampling hooves. Unfortunately minefields did not discourage rifle shots, one of which dealt a couple of damage points in.In the center, Sidir actually was the first model to activate, and started shooting Fumigator. Sidir softened up the target, gave the Timeworn Blade for Rough Rider. The horseman shot Fumigator dead with double severes with negative modifiers. He also interacted a strategy marker and threw Timeworn Blade for Lucas.
Looked like Nix would reach three models with Drink Spirit, so Nix walked and charged Lucas to complicate the middle. Attack dealt respectable damage, but then came time to drink some spirits. Nix's future suddenly appeared to not... exist. Black Joker. And Fast master about to activate.
Sure enough, Lucas activated next and started whipping the ghostly dog. It took the remainder of my soulstones and high cards from hand, but Nix was still standing! Only that... he had just one hit point.
Hamelin tried to come to save the day and stun Ruffian closest to Nix and offer some TN 13 willpower duels for, like, six enemy models from Fumigator's corpse. However, all my good cards had already been spent, so Hamelin needed 8+ straight from the deck. Both actions failed, so Nix was... still... at one health remaining.
Lucas had given Timeworn Blade for Ruffian, who activated next. He chainganged himself into melee with Nix, and... failed first attack. Nix healed to two remaining. Unfortunately second attack hit, and Nix was back to one health. And the last attack? Missed! Woo hoo, who's a good boy?
Rat King healed Nix for one, and Stolen that were spitting on Lucas healed Nix up to five health. I love it how messed up that survivability is.
Since Desper had leaped to Nix to plant a scheme, that gentleman burglar was going nowhere else this turn. Benny ditched his sorry attempt to bring in more rats, and ate a scheme marker for Fast. He took a double walk to drop a scheme near Desper. Winged Plague removed Desper's blight tokens to drop another scheme marker for Detonate Charges.
One Ruffian below brought a strategy marker to my side.
Both crews scored a strategy point, and both got Detonate Charges for a 2-2 tie.
Turn 3:
Lucas started with a headlong charge against Nix. While the wastrel master didn't do a whole lot against Nix, he did dole out a Phantasmal Mask for Sidir before riding away from melee. I figured Nix with four health might be able to take a whopping from Sidir, so Tunnel Rats activated. Strategy Marker was thrown just over 8" away from centerline and walked over 6" away from Rough Rider.Sidir charged Nix and put it down with two strikes. He was buying Rams for critical strike, so there was at least that expenditure on Sidir's part. Last action point went into shooting down Malifaux Child with a machine gun.
The kid had been my other hidden martyr, so I was looking at the real possibility of fully losing points from Hidden Martyrs if Rough Rider on top decided to land two weak damages on Tunnel Rats. That was too big of a risk after losing Nix and Malifaux Child before they had even activated.
Hamelin took a double walk near the center, and at first tried to stun threatening Rough Rider. Piper's Influence failed, but at least Obey worked. Rough Rider took a dip inside minefield before running 5.5" away from Tunnel Rats.
Rat King tried to gnaw Ruffian off the board, but their majesty was offended by Ruffian's manners. Benny Wolcomb had to come and stick a blade into the wastrel minion's last hit point.
Those were the most important developments of the turn. Rough Riders relocated to middle and tried to shoot Rat King, but not getting it below half of its health remaining.
Sidir had tossed Phantasmal Mask for Desper, who had leaped to transform Winged Plague into a soulstone. He couldn't charge because of Hamelin's aura.
Kids were spitting at Lucas, Tanuki was swiping those way.
Both players scored strategy point, but Malifaux Child was turned into a victory point for Outcasts, so they got the lead with 4-3.
Turn 4:
Outcasts actually got the initiative for change. And what a beautiful activation Hamelin had! First he Obeyed Rat King to interact strategy marker. Marker went next to Rough Rider. Then, Hamelin landed both a stun and an Obey to Rough Rider to throw the strategy marker even further. I think the last action was Obey, too, but I'm not sure about the target.Opponent didn't prioritize the situation in middle. Instead, Tanuki healed Lucas for a bit and threw a strategy marker deep inside my territory.
Rat King charged the pipered Rough Rider, and missed. Second attack, however, hit and got masks from Piper's Influence. Two attacks later, Rough Rider was dead before it had activated. So yay for that.
However, Desper recognized the danger of Outcasts getting four strategy points, so he leaped and walked to throw the strategy marker a little closer.
This, however, put Desper in the range of Tunnel Rat's trench gun. Rats were above half of their health, so they didn't have too much trouble in landing a moderate damage - which was enough to kill Desper. How? Well, Stolen kid had almost killed Desper by spitting at him. Had it not been a full three for damage block with a stone, the kid would have scored a henchman kill.
Benny had... done... something, I guess? Maybe he tried to attack Rough Rider or Sidir? Anyway, he did engage both for some added nuisance and apparently placed a scheme marker at some point.
Rough Rider rode away from Benny along with Sidir. Their combined efforts resulted in dead Rat King and dead Stolen, plus some damage in to Hamelin.
Another stolen brough Lucas down to three health remaining, while the last Stolen attempted to deny enemy fourth strategy point, maybe. He went frantically flailing to Ruffian coming from the right, but missed. Ruffien killed the kid and charged resulting Malifaux Rat so that it was in contact with strategy marker. Ah well. At least the kid tried.
Both players score strategy for a 5-4 lead for Outcasts.
Turn 5:
Lucas tried to tie down Benny Wolcomb, and soon enough the godfather was within 2" of two enemy scheme markers.Hamelin does another awesome activation. First, he Obeys Tunnel Rats to use Secret Passage to get closer now that Lucas was securely in place. Then he stuns Rough Rider with Piper's Influence - and obeys Tanuki away from fourth strategy point for Ten Thunders. Last Obey went to Benny in an attempt to disengage him, but that didn't amount to anything.
Lucas had difficult choice to make now. I had no idea, but both Rough Rider and Tanuki were enemy martyr's. He would be able to get fourth strategy point even with stunned Rough Rider, but that would leave Hidden Martyrs with zero points.
In the end, Ten Thunders went to get their fourth strategy point. Benny beat up a few rats to get two schemes within 2" of Lucas, and Tunnel Rats just ran to get engaged with Lucas.
A close fought 7-5 victory for Hamelin.