A 50ss game of Malifaux on Vassal.
Strategy: Wedge Plant Explosives (gg0 version)
Schemes: Power Ritual, Claim Jump, Search the Ruins, Detonate Charges, Hold Up Their Forces
My list:
Seamus & Copycat Killer
Madame Sybelle
White Rabbit Co.
Dead Doxy
2x Rotten Belle
2x Dead Dandy
Pool: 4
Schemes: Power Ritual, Search the Ruins
Opponent had:
Clampetts, Fisherfolk & Bruce
Aunty Mel
Uncle Bogg
Sir Vantes
2x Hermits
Pool: 4
Schemes: Search the Ruins, Detonate Charges
Turn 1:
Surprisingly, Seamus did not shoot anyone dead this turn.Bayou was somewhat bottlenecked by the weird building in the middle. Uncle Bogg, Bruce and one of the Hermits got stuck on each other, and the head count almost included Sir Vantes, too, if it wasn't for the 3" push that ignores models. Sir Vantes took position at front, ready to charge the plethora of models in his reach. Too bad only Madame Sybelle did not have a disguise.
Aunty Mel and another Hermit rushed behind a rock on right flank. Buckaroo with a bomb was soloing the left flank.
Resurrectionists offered almost a unified front piecemeal. Going from left to right, Copycat Killer had teleported Seamus within 1" of blocking terrain after the master had dropped a scheme marker to top-left corner.
Rotten Belle with explosive token and a Dead Dandy were also there on the left front, biding their time as their only real threat was the Buckaroo... oh, and the Clampetts. But they were not directing their rage against the pair. They started tossing dynamite on the widow weeping for her recent loss that had overextended her sorrow by trying to feed on Sir Vantes' grief. She didn't succeed at that, but she certainly caught the sizzling dynamites. Mourner even shared the fireworks with Madame Sybelle, taking five points of damage herself, and three to Madame.
White Rabbit felt uncomfortable around gremlins, so they crafted a hat for Dead Doxy and went into hiding behind a mud house to the right. Dead Doxy admired her hat in front of the hut.
I now realized I forgot to drop the corpse marker from Mourner deployment. That could have been an easy-ish scheme marker to the corner where he instead wasted an actual action point planting marker for Power Ritual.
Explosive carrying Rotten Belle to the right lured the Dandy a little closer, preparing to flank from far right.
Turn 2:
Surprisingly, Seamus did not shoot anyone dead this turn.
Before opponent would finish what he started with Mourner, she charged the Angler master. Attack did not amount to anything, but Sir Vantes started to feel a little grief. Soon enough Madame Sybelle failed Undivided Attention with a black joker, so she, already injured, decided it's best to die with high heeled boots on. She actually did rather well against Sir Vantes, after she and Mourner were done, the knight in shining coat of snail slime was down to two health remaining.However, Sir Vantes killed the Mourner, healed himself for two points and stunned Madame. And set Dead Dandy on fire with Bait the Waters. How does that even work out?! Bruce licked the Sir's wounds away, so in the end he was missing just one point of health.
Since situation was about to get tough for Madame, White Rabbit Co. offered her some support with a fancy new hat, and again went hiding, this time inside some fog terrain.
Hermit and Aunty Mel to the right didn't manage to kill Dead Dandy that had exposed himself. Rotten Belle to the right took position to plant a bomb next turn, while Dead Doxy started her long road towards bottom-right corner.
Buckaroo to the left bonus walked, dropped a bomb and charged Copycat Killer, but did not score enough damage to kill. Clampetts, I think, shot a couple points of damage to Dead Dandy in the middle, leaped to forest on the left and did a scheme marker there at end of activation. She may have tried to attack Copycat Killer too, but there the bugger is still standing in the picture with one health remaining.
Copycat Killer made a relatively big mistake in trying to shear the creature during live rodeo. He managed only to poke damage to it. Worried about the damage he'd done, he tried to plug the hole with a bullet from his half pint flintlock pistol. While Buckaroo got decent damage out of these attacks, the 6" of free movement was also a problem.
However, I didn't and wouldn't get strategy points this turn unless Seamus used Secret Passage to get to the weird building in the middle, walk and place both a strategy and a scheme marker. Although now that I think about it, maybe I could have done without a scheme marker for one more turn and shot Buckaroo instead. Oh well.
Dead Dandy went to place a scheme marker next to a wall, and turned Mourner's corpse into a scheme marker.
Rotten Belle to the left had taken a double walk to get into contact with enemy strategy marker.
Scores went 2-1 for Resurrectionists, as they got their Search the Ruins.
Turn 3:
Surprisingly, Seamus did not shoot anyone dead this turn.
Madame Sybelle took some serious beating in the middle by Hermit, Sir Vantes and even Bruce. She lost her hat and used up my remaining soulstones. But still she was standing during end phase, with two health remaining!She tried to kill Bruce, but instead damaged Hermits. Two points got through its armor. Second attack hit Bruce, but left the puppy with one health remaining.
White Rabbit proved to be a bloodthirsty beast when it, too, scored two points of damage to Hermits that had been pushed around by Uncle Bogg to drop a scheme next to terrain. Hermits removed itself from melee with scuttle and charged Sybelle. Uncle Bogg had placed a strategy marker, too, but according to all safety procedures he is sitting on the explosive in the picture.
Rotten Belle to the right goes to drop a strategy marker while Hermits and Aunty Mal on that flank kills Dead Dandy and nearly Rotten Belle, thanks to a moderate damage with three negative modifiers to the flip.
Clampetts kills Coopycat Killer, staggers Rotten Belle and leaps to interact a strategy marker and do a scheme marker with silurid shenanigans. Buckaroo runs to remove a scheme marker from my top-left corner.
Staggered Belle wasn't going anywhere soon, so she just picked the box of explosives from ground and shambled to Bayou side of table.
Burning Dandy in the middle did a double walk to perhaps make a scheme marker before succumbing to flames.
Seamus took a secret passage, doubly walked to bottom-left corner and placed a scheme marker there for Power Ritual.
Both players scored strategy, Bayou got Search the Ruins and Resurrectionists did Power Ritual for a lead of 4-3.
Turn 4:
Surprisingly, Seamus did not shoot anyone dead this turn.
Madame Sybelle, however, did score a kill against Hermits in the middle. First kill for Resurrectionists, yaaay! At least that was what I suspected would happen. Nope, White Rabbit's needle and thread was Resurrectionist's most impressive instrument of death in this game.Dead Doxy drops a scheme for Power Ritual end and hopes Rotten Belle survives long enough to lure her, as there was now grave concern that top-right corner would be gone during fifth round. She at least had the hat. No such luck, however. Aunty Mel kills Rotten Belle to the right with her bonus action and goes pick up her explosives. Aunty's Hermits had earlier charged past Belle's engagement range to drop their explosives on my side of table.
Bruce manages to bite off half of what was left of Madame Sybelle, and Sir Vantes carried through with the rest.
Uncle Bogg went to secure the mud house on my right side, while Clampetts interacted a scheme, stomped almost next to White Rabbit Co. and dropped an explosive. Shenanigans brought up a scheme marker that started to look a lot like Detonate Charges on White Rabbit.
Buckaroo goes to drop a scheme marker in forest in the center on my table edge.
Situation looked grim. Due to less than ideal placement of strategy markers to the left, Rotten Belle was able to squeeze in one strategy marker adjacent to board edge - but she wouldn't be able to drop the second bomb she had with the marker Seamus had dropped earlier.
Seamus dropped a strategy and a scheme to bottom-left corner and took a double walk towards his earlier, misplaced explosive.
Before burning to ashes, Dead Dandy placed a scheme marker for Search the Ruins end condition.
Both players got their strategy, and Bayou finally got their Detonate Charges for a 5-5 tie.
Turn 5:
Surprisingly, Seamus did not shoot anyone dead this turn.
It looked like I was at Clampetts's mercy with Power Ritual, so Dead Doxy with the hat just ran into contact with a terrain piece, out of sight of Aunty Mel.Seamus was able to walk to the troublesome strategy marker, pick it up, move away and drop it again. Most efficient use of 4 AP master's action points, let me tell you!
Rotten Belle was thus able to place my fourth explosive to the ground, and there was exactly enough scheme markers next to terrain to score Search the Ruins.
Clampetts had no trouble in getting to my top-right corner to convert my scheme marker there, so Power Ritual was ruined.
Throughout turn I had been burning through my stash of pass tokens and DAMN wasn't the mobile hat booth of White Rabbit Company more popular than it has ever been! Bruce, Buckaroo, Uncle Bogg and Sir Vantes all trampled over each other to reach the booth.
Idea behind using up my pass tokens was to wait until everyone had activated, miraculously score masks trigger from Beckoning Call to remove a Bayou scheme marker, and then try to move or disengage if need be away from remaining scheme marker. But eventually White Rabbit got staggered by Clampetts, so now White Rabbit would have to do with 1.5" of movement inside tide markers.
Well, that plan fell short at the masks -trigger part that never happened.
Bayou had brutally enforced their Detonate Charges end condition, and had more than enough markers for Plant Explosives and Search the Ruins.
And as Resurrectionists lost their Power Ritual while scoring remaining points, it was still a 8-7 loss for Seamus.
Also... absolutely mind-blowingly, Seamus did not even shoot at anyone in this entire game.
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