Saturday, October 7, 2023

"Ah, how exciting! A proper murder mystery."

 A 50ss game of Malifaux on Vassal.

Strategy: Wedge Cursed Objects

Schemes: Vendetta, Catch and Release, Spread Them Out, Public Demonstration, Leave Your Mark

My list:

Seamus Baker & Copycat Killer
Madame Sybelle with Grave Spirit Touch
White Rabbit Co.
Bete Noire
Dead Doxy
Dead Dandy

Pool: 6
Schemes: Vendetta (Mortimer on Mr. Graves), Spread Them Out

Opponent had:

Hungering Darkness & Jakob Lynch, Dark Bet
Gwyneth Maddox
Mr. Graves
2x Illuminated

Pool: 2
Schemes: Leave Your Mark, Vendetta (Hungering Darkness on Mortimer)

Turn 1:

Plenty of severe terrain made this horrible map a slog for my crew - not to mention me wanting to keep my distance from Hungering Darkness. As a result I really didn't get out of my deployment zone. Only Dead Dandy was running towards fulfilling some Spread Them Out. 

Madame Sybelle was at the tip of my deployment zone, where Seamus came to cleave her arm off and turn it into a Mourner. 

I suppose opponent might have charged deeper, but a hatted Bete Noire charged to Illuminated pair, dealing respectable four points of damage after Tanuki had activated. 

Hungering Darkness just charged Bete, slapped her for four points of damage and planted a scheme to center point. Yup. Not gonna challenge that anytime soon.

Mortimer had activated early, placing a corpse for Madame to blaspheme off the board. 

Turn 2:

Ten Thunders won initiative, and started flinging scintillating clouds to Mourner, Doxy and Madame Sybelle. They were passing those checks rather well, though. Out of four scintillating clouds only two hit Mourner, one Dead Doxy and one Madame Sybelle. 

Sybelle was my first model to activate, and she regenerated and put up Undivided Attention with rams trigger, healing her back to full. She managed to beckon the slightly injured Illuminated a little closer. After the other Illuminated had done its thing, Seamus activated to walk into the river and activated Urban Legend with unnecessarily bought masks for Alone in the Dark. 

Mortimer was already too front. Had not Red Joker saved his resist roll against Beckoner's lure, he might have been in a terrible position for Hungering Darkness to charge into.

Mourner interacted Illuminated for one point of damage, and fed on his grief. I managed to get a straight damage flip and cheated the severe in. Illuminated was now with only one health remaining!

Gwyneth tried to come and shoot Mourner dead, failing at that. I had worried a wild Tanuki would have appeared and healed the Illuminated. My hand was trash by now, so I decided to charge Dead Doxy into the Illuminated. Idea was that if Doxy failed to deliver the kill, I would have at least possibility of giving her a hat with White Rabbit, with automatic one point of damage from gaining Distracted. 

Fortunately she succeeded with her second attempt.

White Rabbit & Co. gave Seamus a fancy hat, which enraged Mr. Graves. He toppled Seamus' top hat with a fencepost - he landed a severe damage. Soulstone's damage block was two and the hat removed another two.

Jakob Lynch slapped Dead Doxy hard. She died. Boo.

But, Mortimer's Vendetta target was now in reach. Bete Noire appeared from Doxy's corpse, charged Mr. Graves and attacked him three times. Every single one of them missed. Great. Although that was because opponent kept spending high cards from his hand, so I guess they were away from Hungering Darkness' damage potential.

Tanuki removed Distracted from Hungering Darkness, which had come from unrequited love. The furball also gave focus for the monster. 

Mortimer activated next, and tried to land a shot at Mr. Graves anyway - but failed. He did manage to make a Mindless Zombie out of Red Joker, though. 

Finally Hungering Darkness activated, walked and charged Mortimer. I was suspecting a vendetta, which would be terrible news, really. I had next round to score Vendetta reveal, at most. 

Mortimer had to spend soulstones to block damage, and thankfully one attack missed, leaving Mortimer with six health remaining. 

Kara had tried to attack Bete Noire, but also didn't land a single hit. Soul companions, those two. 

Lastly, Copycat Killer ran as far as he could and teleported Seamus hopefully for some scheme shenanigans.

Scores go 1-2, when both get strategy and Ten Thunders reveals Leave Your Mark.

Turn 3:

Hungering Darkness... Yeah.

That thing activated first, and slapped five points of damage to Mortimer. Then it killed Copycat Killer with one hit, which needed more than a weak damage. Lastly, it tickled White Rabbit Co. for five points of damage. That hurt, and even more when Hungering Darkness revealed vendetta on Mortimer. This was misplay on my part. Before game I had read that The Real Power rule would remove Hungering Darkness' totem status, which it doesn't. 

Madame Sybelle activated Undivided Attention, healing Mortimer, Mourner and White Rabbit company. She charged Mr. Graves, sinking in four points of damage. She also lashed Kara with tomes, dealing three points to the cat and Jakob Lynch. Not a bad activation per se, but pales in comparison to Hungering Darkness.

Tanuki activated next and healed Mr. Graves to seven health remaining, which was just enough that weak damage with Mortimer's Decay wouldn't give vendetta.

So, Mourner activated instead. She landed a severe damage on Mr. Graves with feed on grief. Once she realized how she had struck Mr. Graves' nerve, she didn't dare to grief him any more and instead took a walk and started mourning the dead, making corpse marker in the middle essentially a scheme marker. 

I think Gwyneth activated next, but didn't accomplish much. Maybe a couple points of damage to Mourner with her derringer or so.

This was Mortimers one and only chance of getting his vendetta. He walked and shot a Decay at Mr. Graves, spending my last soulstone for an additional card. It just needed to happen.

A one. And... a joker. Black one, though.

Lynch then killed Mourner and healed Mr. Graves back to seven. Well then. 

Seamus just took a double walk and planted a scheme marker. He tried to take Illuminated by the hand, but Seamus acted shy and tried to look afraid. 

Kara finally attacked Bete Noire, who was then able to fade away, and even tossed Madame Sybelle further away from the middle.  

White Rabbit Company sewed a hat for Madame Sybelle and used Beckoning Call on Illuminated. This time Seamus didn't look so suspicious, and Illuminated happily answered his beckoning. "Why, hello Love!" attack hit and dealt some damage, which were all pretty much healed right next. Seamus complimented on his healing abilities, which distracted Illuminated to miss its first attack. I suppose the Illuminated started to figure out he was being ridiculed and got enraged and hit the funny guy for six points of damage. 

Mr. Graves made his fencepost sing on Madame Sybelle. But that was all the fencepost did. Sing. No damage.

Dead Dandy placed a scheme marker to top corner and failed to convert nearby corpse into a scheme with Proper Murder Mystery.

Mindless Zombie took a walk and started to crave Mr. Graves' brains. Then it stopped craving the brains and wandered away. Beckoner came to greet the zombie, but it didn't quite understand it was being deceived with Beckoner's touch. 

Last, Bete Noire (who had slow) appeared from the Mindless Zombie and charged Tanuki. First attack missed. Second attack did not, but only Red Joker would have granted me strategy point this turn. No Red Joker. No point.

Except for Spread Them Out. Opponent had received vendetta and strategy, for 2-4 lead.

Turn 4:

Bete Noire makes an astonishing activation. First she murders Tanuki with Red Joker and declares One with the Night. With bonus action she charges Beckoner and lands three damage. Then she interacts a scheme marker. 

Hungering Darkness kills Mortimer, no surprises there.

Madame Sybelle walks for a bit, lashes three hit points off from Mr. Graves and tries to heal White Rabbit Co. with a trigger, failing at that. 

Kara charges to re-bury Bete Noire and walks and pounces on Seamus' chest. I get worried about the safety of my master, so he activates and uses Urban Legend. Two remaining actions are spent on beating the Illuminated with a bouquet, and while that may sound like an ineffective way to kill somebody, it brought the Illuminated down to one health remaining. So, Seamus took Illuminated by the hand and attacked him once more with "Why hello, Love!", but noticed some dandruff on his shoulders and became horrified for his lack of style.

Beckoner removed Bete Noire's scheme marker. 

White Rabbit sees Seamus' dandruff distress from miles away and rushes to his aid, tossing a splendid hat on his head from across the river. And a splendid hat it was - so outrageous in fact, that Illuminated fainted at the sight of it. And never woke up.

Gwyneth goes to engage White Rabbit Co.

Mr. Graves explains to Madame Sybelle: "I'm sorry, miss. Sometimes this fencepost goes, like, singing and stuff. I don't know why it does that. But when it doesn't, it does THIS!", attacking Madame Sybelle with a negative card from being distracted. Both cards were 13, though, and I had had only one card higher than 9 in my starting hand. No longer had that, though. And it was a severe damage with severe injury.

Then, Mr. Graves continues: "And then it does... THIS!", hitting her again for moderate damage with negative fate modifiers. I get to choose if Madame if left with one health and a hat, or three health and no hat. It was the hat that fell.

But, Lynch was left to activate. Essentially Wp 3 vs Terrifying of 11 saved Madame once, but not twice. Second attack hit and killed my henchman. Jakob goes to engage White Rabbit, too. 

Dead Dandy, on the other hand, placed a scheme marker and failed to convert the corpse again. This guy. There was a big fight with everybody getting killed at most a fifty meters away from him, and all he did the entire game was run into a forest and start making up imaginary murder mysteries. Well. There's a name for this kind of action. It's called dissociation.

We didn't play the last turn, because losing both Mortimer and Madame Sybelle in such a manner shut me off from game.

Scores went 3-5 for Ten Thunders, and they had Vendetta pretty much confirmed. Even if I got two points and opponent got zero it would have been a loss. Not even a tie. 

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