Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Mortenebra vs Witch Coven

 A 50 points game of Warmachine 3.5.

And with the downfall of Conflict Chamber, these lists might be incorrect.

My list, however:

Mortenebra & Deryliss
2x 5 Bane Warriors
Black Ogrun Boarding Party
Darragh Wrathe
Gerlak Slaughterborn
Pistol Wraith
Bloat Thrall

Opponent had:

Witch Coven of Garlghast
-2x Deathripper
2x 5 Bane Warriors
2x 5 Satyxis Blood Witches
2x Pistol Wraiths

Scenario was one from the main Mk4 rulebook. The cluster of 3" templates in the middle are disappearing cloud effects that would go out on 1-2 at the start of every round.

Mortenebra started and advanced in a more or less united front with warjacks in the middle, units on flanks. Witch Coven had more or less the same, except Bane Warriors emphasized left flank more. 

Second round Mortenebra tried to advance under the cover of cloud effects in the middle, and offer some trouble for the opponent by attacking Satyxis near the enemy flag with Stalker who then triggered Overrun for Desecrator. Desecrator then took a shot at Reaper.

I had tried to block a Reaper lane against Desecrator with Gerlak and Bane Warrior, which proved to be a woefully inadequate screen when enemy Desecrator shot Gerlak down with one shot. At least he passed Tough -roll, but then Pistol Wraith just took a clean shot at the general.

Reaper dragged my Desecrator next to two un-activated Bane Warrior units. Turned out just one was enough, however.

Three Satyxis Blood Witches managed to kill Stalker, so it wasn't exactly the trouble for opponent that I wanted. All in all my Bane Warriors were dying left and right and even my Pistol Wraith that had shot enemy Deathripper stationary died to the very same Deathripper after it shaked off the effect.

I guess I severely underestimated threat ranges in this game. I wonder if playing Malifaux somehow skews my range assessment. Oh well, I still had my one chance even after opponent used feat.

My two remaining Bane Warriors ran to engage a couple of Witches and Egregore. Deryliss used Tune-Up on Malice, Mortenebra cast Overrun on herself and killed an enemy Bane Warrior, then Malice advanced and trampled next to Coven. Unfortunately the two attacks by Malice weren't enough to kill all three Witches, so a focus-less Mortenebra had to endure three heavy warjacks worth of various attacks.

Spoiler: she didn't.

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