Saturday, February 26, 2022

Getting Brined

Had a 50 point game of Warmachine. Scenario was from main rulebook, to kill as many enemy units in six rounds as possible.

My list:

Lord Exhumator Scaverous [+27]
- Nightwretch [7]
 - Reaper [11]
 - Seether [12]
 - Stalker [8]
 - Satyxis Blood Priestess [4]
Misery Cage [2]
Pistol Wraith [4]
Saxon Orrik [4]
Warwitch Siren [3]
Bile Thralls (min) [6]
 - Skarlock Commander [3]
Mechanithralls (max) [9]
 - Brute Thrall (2) [4]

Opponent had:

Baldur the Stonecleaver [+31]
 - Feral Warpwolf [14]
 - Woldwarden [13]
 - Woldwatcher [8]
Rorsh [14]
Gatorman Posse (max) [13]
Shifting Stones [3]
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max) [13]
 - Warpborn Skinwalker Alpha [3]

Woldwatcher and Feral Warpwolf used building in the middle to their advantage. Baldur's forest-on-demand combined nicely with that building to create a large swathe of LoS block.

Gatormen and Rorsh were directly opposed by Cryxian infantry and Pistol Wraith. My heavy warjacks were trying to haul themselves past a rubble. Woldwarden and Skinwalkers looked like they'd be coming their way.

Circle was advancing cautiously and did not commit, so I had to launch the offensive. I used Scaverous' feat on turn 2, which resulted in one dead Woldwarden and Icy Gripped Skinwalkers. Mechanithralls and Bile Thralls tried to flood Gatormen and remaining warbeasts.

Baldur used his feat in response and sniped Pistol Wraith dead with Earth Spikes. Gatormen and warbeasts decimated six Mechanithralls, which is quite acceptable considering that it took the activations of two beasts and pricey unit. 

Bigger loss was when a lucky strike from Skinwalker did blow up Nightwretch's arc node.

Next, Stalker and Seether removed half of Skinwalkers, which was not nearly enough. Mechanithralls killed one Gatorman. As far as turns go it wasn't too bad - at least it looked like opponent wouldn't be able to inflict heavy casualties on me on their turn.

But then those remaining Skinwalkers managed to compromise movement system from both Seether and Stalker as well as killing every and all Mechanithralls. 

With my buffer gone, I tried to drag somewhat injured Feral Warpwolf to Reaper to get it away from Baldur's control zone and maybe even kill it. But as it happened, harpoon missed. At least all Skinwalkers were gone next.

Scaverous moves a bit forward so he'd be more relevant next turn.

I failed to take into account the terrifying threat range of Brine... soon enough the heavy pig beast was next to Lord Exhumator and even scored critical knockdown... twice. Scaverous had the warbeast re-roll its attack roll. 

Two focus points weren't enough. Victory for Circle.

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