Sunday, October 15, 2017

All Aboard The Ambush Boat!

A game from about a week ago.

I played Skorne, toying with ambush madness:

Dominar Rasheth [+28]
- Agonizer [6]
- Aradus Sentinel [16]
- Basilisk Krea [7]
- Titan Sentry [15]
Bog Trog Trawler [3]
Bog Trog Trawler [3]
Hutchuck, Ogrun Bounty Hunter [6]
Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor [4]
Bog Trog Ambushers (max) [16]
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew [2]

Opponent had:

Grim Angus [+29]
- Rök [21]
- Winter Troll [8]
Kriel Warriors (min) [7]
- Kriel Warrior Caber Thrower (2) [4]
- Kriel Warrior Standard & Piper [3]
Northkin Fire Eaters [7]
Scattergunners (max) [14]
- Scattergunner Officer & Standard [4]
Sons of Bragg [11]

Scenario was Spread the Net, which was relatively funny, considering it's the same name as Grim Angus' feat.

Skorne started, and the first picture is from the deployment phase. I thought it would be funny to take a picture when most of my army list isn't even on the table yet.

Bog Trog Ambushers got a nice charge against Scattergunners. Master Tormentor was being used for channeling an Influence on a Scattergunner, plus a Breath of Corruption. It was a shame I didn't realize to bring one Trawler for the flag on my side. I mean, opponent would have most likely been busy with Ambushers in the first place.

If Ambushers had been brutal on Scattergunners, they paid back in full. Only three Bog Trog Ambushers survived that turn. Grim Angus took a scenario point, but so did Aradus Sentinel.

It's time for Rasheth's feat next. I bring the rest of my ambushing models, two Trawlers and Hutchuck, on board. One Trawler takes a flag on my side of the board, and Hutchuck and Trawler come to contest Angus' flag.

First Rasheth uses feat and casts Influence on a Northkin Fire Eater, plus gives Carnivore for Titan Sentry.

Swamp Gobbers go and try to block the advance of some remaining Kriel Warriors. Titan Sentry succeeds to kill Northkin Fire Eaters.

Hutchuck lobs a knockdown grenade on Winter Troll with Wild Shot and walks to take a hit against it. Troll had used its animus, so Hutchuck went stationary.

Trawler takes a shot at the knocked down Winter Troll, but doesn't kill it. Aradus Sentinel shoots it finally, though this meant it got easily within charge range of Rök. Anyway, Skorne scored two points. It was 1-2 for Skorne now.

Grim Angus uses his feat next. He gives Primal for Rök and tries to kill Hutchuck, but fails thanks to some poor rolls.

Rök just manages to kill Aradus Sentinel, which was a bummer since now scenario went 2-3 for Skorne.

Next Sentry fails to do pretty much anything to Rök even when it had Blood Mark on it. And I had hoped to score a point from there.

However, I got to 2-4 anyway. And opponent got to 3-4 next, but importantly neither Rök was able to harm Sentry in any meaningful way.

Trawler ran to contest Angus' flag, and I manage to clear both zones. Sentry takes a point from rectangular zone and Rasheth from the circular, getting Skorne to 3-6. It was getting a little late, so we decided to end the game here. Opponent wouldn't be able to contest rectangular zone, and even if Angus would secure flag for himself opponent needed to kill the other Trawler from my side of the board without being able to start scoring points there himself. It could have taken a couple of turns for Titan Sentry to chew through the few infantry models opponent still had, but it would have required atrocious rolls to destroy the titan.

Oh well. It was rather a gritty game. It was a relatively good scenario for ambushing units, since flags were within run distance of ambushing solos.

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